ユースホステル村田家旅館 en Takamori



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1672 Takamori, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1602, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-62-0066
sitio web: yh-murataya.sakura.ne.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8171213, Longitude: 131.1268691

comentarios 5

  • 木ノ下郁美



    I stayed here on a club field trip. The staff was very kind and the room was clean. I would like to stay again when I have an expedition.

  • 黃俊昌



    The landlady is very polite, the service is attentive, and the breakfast is delicious The house is a bit old and has a unique flavor A great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city I would like to visit again if I have a chance in the future.

  • Teturou Sakai

    Teturou Sakai


    When staying in Takamori Town, this is the first ryokan that I make reservations for. Accommodation rates are reasonable, parking and bicycle parking are available, rooms are as comfortable as home, and delicious meals are available. There is also a convenience store and a large supermarket a little further away (along the national highway bypass). However, the bathroom is not a hot spring, but if you request, they will introduce you to a nearby hot spring.

  • ソータ



    A ryokan in Takamori where you can stay at an affordable price While hiking around Aso with a tent on my back, the weather turned bad, so I made a reservation for the same day. They kindly accommodated me and I was able to rest my body.

  • イリスレギオン



    I used it about 3 times: after touring the Yamanami Highway hot springs and after seeing the three-stage switchback in Tateno. Dinner is at Izakaya Nabeya across the street. The breakfast at the inn was very delicious! It's a great location, with Tsukiwari Onsen and Jigoku Onsen nearby overlooking Aso. I'm worried about railways and roads being cut off by the earthquake. Takamori Town is a really nice town. I have fond memories of the bus driver letting me off in front of the inn, and the local government official treating me to beer at the tavern. I would like to visit again. By the way, I saw the news about Takamori Onsenkan closing. I've never been there, but it sounds lonely. I heard that Nabeya-san has also closed down...one of my joys is gone...

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