Pension Roi en Aso

JapónPension Roi


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2138-13 Otohime, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2226, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-32-4322
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Latitude: 32.927104, Longitude: 131.0407538

comentarios 5

  • Katrin Parthier

    Katrin Parthier


    Guesthouse with, by Japanese standards, large and lovingly furnished rooms. The host is a gifted cook and his wife is an incredibly attentive hostess. Fantastic

  • A“セイ”セイ



    Anyway, the food is delicious! Surprisingly delicious menus come out one after another. Although the room was a little small, it was a comfortable accommodation with a nice bath and WiFi. The surrounding buildings look like ruins, so the appearance is a bit of a detriment, but it was a place I would definitely go to again.

  • さとぅーたかし



    It was a very nice stay and the food was delicious. For the meal, I chose the most expensive course, and it was French cuisine with a nostalgic feel, such as baked pie and entrecote, but I had the impression that the food was well-prepared without cutting corners. Wine was also provided at a low price.

  • U4*



    The food is just delicious. It's great to be able to enjoy an exquisite course meal with accommodation included at such an affordable price. Even though there was only one group of us, we were surprised at how much attention was paid to the quality of ingredients used and no corners were cut. All the dishes went really well with red wine, so I ended up drinking too much. The bath was clean and relaxing, and it was an elegant time. The couple was very nice and I wanted to go there at least once a year.

  • Rin T

    Rin T


    It was my first time staying there. It was a very nice place, like a calm hideaway. The current owner is from the Kanto region and was a former hotel chef. As a result, the cooking courses were all very delicious! Personally, I like egg dishes, so I was impressed by the deliciousness of chawanmushi🥺 Of course, other things are also delicious! Breakfast has about 20 to 30 items and is perfectly nutritionally balanced! The room has a small and calm atmosphere, just like other pensions. I went just in time for the fall foliage season, so the view from the balcony was amazing (^^) There are two baths at the end, and this time I took the rock bath. I poured the hot water in just the right amount♪

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