UMI NEKO YA 1987 en Minamiaso

JapónUMI NEKO YA 1987


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4703 Kawayō, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1404, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-67-0646
sitio web:
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Latitude: 32.8801456, Longitude: 131.005154

comentarios 5

  • 倉岡富美子



  • 黃玉米



    Quiet and comfortable B&B, the owner’s homemade bread is delicious

  • 西谷愛



    I stayed here. They only accepted reservations for one group, so it was nice to have a sense of privacy. The shop owner didn't talk much, but he had a nice atmosphere. It's not essential since it's generally cool, but I thought it would be nice to have an air conditioner as it gets hot at times, and the hot springs I work with don't have towel rentals, so purchasing towels would make my luggage rusty and inconvenient. Also, the pictures inside the house are a little scary, so it might be difficult for families with small children. !

  • ふくよし



  • 本田聖哉(seiya)



    They had a stall at an event at Asobo no Sato Kuginode, and the bread made by cultivating natural yeast was delicious, so I went there to check it out. In any case, it was difficult to find or enter in a large car because it was on a detour from the former Choyo of Minamiaso Village to Sekisui, Aso City, which was temporarily restored, so it was difficult to find, but it was there. When I went in the afternoon (evening), bread was already out of stock, but I was able to purchase it. It would have been difficult to open a store in an area that suffered considerable damage from the earthquake, but we were able to get some delicious bread. This time, I would like to visit in the morning.

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