ASO Base Backpackers en Aso

JapónASO Base Backpackers


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1498 Kurokawa, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2225, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-34-0408
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Latitude: 32.9356613, Longitude: 131.0805511

comentarios 5

  • Émile Lampion

    Émile Lampion


    We had a wonderful stay in Aso base backpackers. The facilities are clean and convenient, especially for the common area which are cosy and the kitchen which is quite big. Overall the atmosphere is warm and quiet, it's both great to meet people and to relax. Special mention to all the manga available in english. As for the room we had a double bunk private bedroom for an unbeatable price in Aso. Concerning the location, a local market and a supermarket are reachable from walking distance. The guest house is directly next to the train station, a great thing for accessibility and this is also where the bus to mount Aso leaves. Onsen is also available nearby with reduced prices. Highly recommend this place, perhaps the best hostel we've visited in Japan.

  • w_awa



    This hostel is very clean and comfortable to stay in the common area. They have some house rules but not too harsh so I can accept.(Just some simple house rules like have to be quiet after night time.) The only down side is probably the entrance where guests keep their shoes😅 I had to hold my breath everytime I change my shoes. This place is also near to Aso Station, within walking distance.

  • Connie Lai

    Connie Lai


    I stayed here one night last week with my husband. This is the best backpacker ever among all the backpackers I stayed before - the cleanest, the best value and location (very close to Aso station) compared with the price!

  • Joanne Cheng

    Joanne Cheng


    It is quite disappointed. After check-out time (10:30am), we are not allowed to stay in the hotel, even for 15 minutes only, sofa is not allowed to sit and toilet is closed. Please be aware of this if you choose to stay in this hotel. It is quite noisy at night, since all the rooms are facing the stairs, shower room or toilet, people are keep walking around. Check-in must be made before 8pm, or else need to inform them earlier. We arrived at 10pm after joining the 火振り神事 and also sent the email one week earlier. However, the staff blamed that we should send the email to indicate the exact time, but we have told them already in the email we do not know when will the event start and end, since there is limited information about the event on internet. I think the staff should be more considerate to the visitors. However, the room price is very cheap. So I will still recommend you to stay here.

  • Sander van Vliet

    Sander van Vliet


    ASO base backpackers belong to one of the best dormitories I have ever been to. I traveled to many places, but this one belongs to my favourites. In general, in Japan the accommodations are clean and tidy, so as here. You can walk barefoot all day, and you won't have any dirty feet. There is a free and big parking area in front of the door. The staff speaks English and upon arrival I rented some towels too for a small additional fee. The beds are comfortable and there is a big locker below the bed. Bring your own padlock. The showers, sinks and toilets are clean and well maintained. There are plenty too, so no queue in the morning! The kitchen provides all the equipment you need to prepare your own meals, also free coffee and tea is provided. Coin laundry and dryer is available to use too. There is an onsen close by, and when you purchase a ticket at the hostel, you get a small discount. I enjoyed my stay here!

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