Angelica Lodge en Minamiaso

JapónAngelica Lodge



🕗 horarios

1800-1 Shirakawa, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1502, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-62-2223
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.83629, Longitude: 131.103502

comentarios 5

  • けい



    It was a really nice pension. The room is clean and the hot springs are nice. It's hard. And above all, the food is really good. It's wonderful. Looks good and tastes good too It was very delicious and I was impressed with each dish. I was surprised by the final dessert. Ah, wow The inn was also delicious. It's too much for me and I'm full. I asked him to eat a little bit. The breakfast was also very delicious. Drinks are also available in the second floor common room. I appreciate your consideration. The night temperature is This is a negative, but I want to stay in a pension. It keeps you warm so you don't feel cold. I didn't have any trouble. Have a relaxing and fun time It was done♪

  • 中島紹雄



    Although it is a little difficult to find, you can get a panoramic view of the outer rim of Aso. The rooms were also clean and comfortable. The food was very delicious and satisfying both in the morning and evening, and I would like to use it again.

  • 徐玉青



    It feels like you are in a fairy tale world, the room is comfortable and clean, and the bath is comfortable. The dinner is super sumptuous, from appetizers, soups, salads to seafood platters, steaks and various small desserts. The host's selection of ingredients and sincerity in cooking are amazing and a feast for the mouth. The breakfast is equally rich, with bread, scrambled eggs, fresh and fragrant coffee, fruits, cheese, etc., making it healthy and delicious. You can also buy home-grown fresh blueberries and homemade jam. Thank you to the host for your hospitality and hope to visit again if you have the opportunity.

  • Mブラッディ



    There were so many wonderful dishes that I wish I could post photos, but I can't. Personally, I like the appetizers of scallop mousse, red shrimp, red beef steak, and sweets that keep you excited until the end! Fruit tea 🍎 is recommended for breakfast. You can also watch DVDs in your room. Owner, please take care of yourselves. I'll be back! !

  • Chris Lee

    Chris Lee


    Good place.

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