Aso no Tsukasa Villa Park Hotel & Spa Resort en Aso

JapónAso no Tsukasa Villa Park Hotel & Spa Resort



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1230 Kurokawa, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2225, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-34-0811
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9347345, Longitude: 131.0694183

comentarios 5

  • Hannah Rose

    Hannah Rose


    This place is great. A lil oasis in a small town. If you are staying in Aso to hike this is a perfect spot for you. It's a 15 minute walk down the road to the train and bus station where you can catch the bus to the top of Mt. Aso. Super convenient. The walk is super easy and has views of the mountain the whole way. The hotel has an interesting vibe inside but don't let it throw you off. At first it felt like we were walking through an abandoned cruise ship in a scary movie when we first went to check in to our room. However, as more people checked in and we explored the hotel more we realized this place was awesome. The pool is magical. We went at night and were the only ones in there for the last hour so we had a ball trying all the different soaking baths and the sauna in there. We also booked a private onsen (FOR SO AFFORDABLE) and got to finally have that cool experience. It was so relaxing and nice. Plus, right across the street is a 24 hour conbini/grocery/restaurant. We stayed for 4 days and we ate every single meal from this place. They restaurant side is awesome: they're super fast, the food is affordable and yummy. The conbini/grocery side has hot food, tons of prepared meals, drinks, hiking snacks, etc. This place is awesome. The beds were comfortable, the room was huge, the toilet was great, and the staff were all super nice. This is a perfect place to hike your butt off and then recover from said hike.

  • KG Food &Travel

    KG Food &Travel


    An amazing getaway from the bustling city, Aso is an amazing country side full of greenery and adventure. Tsukasa Villa Park Hotel was a traditional style Japanese room with tatami mat rooms and futon beds with one of the best parts, onsen accommodations! There is an open onsen, separated by male and female of course, and private onsens you will have to reserve with the front desk. The hotel isn’t too busy but it is large as you can easily lose your way if you don’t pay attention to where you’re going. The room is cozy and a great Japanese traditional experience for the foreigners wanting to see what Japan was like back then. The room even comes with “yukatas”, which are robes that were worn for baths specifically. Upon check in you can select your size and style from the wide variety they have and your choice of toiletries if you forgot to pack any. The rooms do come equipped with shampoo, body wash, and conditioner. The hotel also offers buffet meals which include many Japanese style dishes and even beer on tap with a machine that tilts your glass for you while pouring. A truly wonderful experience!

  • Kevin Satorius

    Kevin Satorius


    Outdated rooms, plus dinner is so-so. Best part is the view of the mountain Aso.

  • PX L

    PX L


    Only stayed for one night as a stopover and place to rest. Hotel was very old and rooms were small. For the price, I’ve stayed in better hotels. But maybe because it’s the Aso area with less accommodations hence the price. At least the room was clean. Not much amenities around. Hotel provided cute biscuits in the room for each guest. Free parking and the receptionist can speak Chinese more than English. Would recommend if you just need a place to rest for the night.

  • Wilson Wang

    Wilson Wang


    The room was a bit old but pretty clean and roomy. many of the facilities were under maintenance which was disappointing. The buffet dinner was good, many choices and free beer and other alcohols. The disposable cup ran out at the water fountain in hot spring facility and I asked the staff to replace it and he told me no more. That’s why I have 2 stars for service.

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