Minami Aso Luna Observatory en Minamiaso

JapónMinami Aso Luna Observatory



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
1810 Shirakawa, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1502, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-62-3006
sitio web: www.via.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8376125, Longitude: 131.1027471

comentarios 5

  • Victor Huang

    Victor Huang


    Wonderful time with family. The lodging is old but the presentation of astronomy is new and makes the stay worthwhile. The staff includes astrophysicists fluent in English, and who communicated with passion. The planetarium, observatory, and open-air field experience (8-10pm) were all wonderfully thought through. A unique programme and the best science learning experience. The breakfast was great, too!

  • Dixon Lu

    Dixon Lu


    We weren't risking driving on the left side so we hired a driver to take us to this unique inn. Obviously, being here means taking the 8PM night tour. The hotel staff are very knowledgeable about astronomy. Our tour was bilingual (English + Japanese). Real treat for us city bumpkins to be able to look through a real telescope and to do some astrophotography out in the field where there is less light pollution. Our room was on the upper floor, so we observed the stars at night from our beds through the angled windows. The bathroom also has an angled window so one can sit in the gigantic tub soaking while stargazing. This is a remote location, so if you don't book the dinner at the hotel at least 3 days in advance, you have to find food in in town (luckily they were great too, just had to order a cab). We had their breakfast which was pretty good.

  • S. Alan

    S. Alan


    We have a wonderful night in here with extraordinary service. All the staffs here are very nice and make you feel welcomed. In here, you could experience one of a kind star watching experience and even have the opportunity to use the second largest telescope in Kyushu area. Personally I enjoyed the the outdoor star watching experience with complimentary hot drinks. You can relax and enjoy the starry Night quietly. The rooms are very much well equip with basic kitchenary. The house was very comfortable and homy which definitely recommended for a family trip or a couple trip.

  • dennis wong

    dennis wong


    if you stay in this hotel, highly recommend to join their stargaze guided tour! the 1billion yen telescope is awesome and the camp fire night is amazing! the akaushi beef steak at the dinner and the corn soup at the morning are very delicious!

  • Chi Kit Wong

    Chi Kit Wong


    The 2 story room inside the main building was big and comfy. Everything in the room was great (if you like or are neutral to this style of design). I didn't like the sofa personally Food was so so and had room for improvements Stargazing experience was great esp for city folks who aren't used to rural dark skies

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