Kikuchi Valley Hot Springs Iwakura en Kikuchi

JapónKikuchi Valley Hot Springs Iwakura


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2224-8 Shigemi, Kikuchi, Kumamoto 861-1682, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 968-27-0026
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.0112506, Longitude: 130.8866436

comentarios 5

  • Christine S

    Christine S


    Excellent excellent service, very private rooms and dining. Visited in Dec 2022 and we stayed in the Shinkura room (新蔵) with semi open-air onsen and a terrace. walking to the open-air onsen in the room could be a bit cold in the winter, but the onsen bath itself is nice and hot. Lovely view of the river from the bath and from the seperate terrace as well. Would definitely come again in warmer months.

  • Karen Li

    Karen Li


    Authentic experience of traditional Japanese onsen. Hidden gem in the valley. Great service and hospitality.

  • Mat Tsoi

    Mat Tsoi


    Magetifism view of the night sky, lovely environment and comfortable room.

  • Kevin On

    Kevin On


    Great hospitality! Great view! Great natural surrounding! Great experience!

  • Chris



    The onsen here is good. The view is nice. The water is ok.

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