Shikotsu Lake tsuruga resort spa Mizunouta en Chitose

JapónShikotsu Lake tsuruga resort spa Mizunouta


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Shikotsukoonsen, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0281, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 123-25-2211
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Latitude: 42.7742887, Longitude: 141.4034361

comentarios 5

  • W. Jessie L

    W. Jessie L


    It's always relaxing to stay at a tsuruga resort. It's good to know that this location has a mini self-service laundry facility (two washer and two dryer).

  • Lorraine Lei

    Lorraine Lei


    It was our first time coming and the entire experience was great! We stayed one night and wished we had time to stay for another night to fully enjoy our time there. Service was top notch and they were very welcoming to us. Room was clean and as modern as it could get while still maintaining the traditional feel which we appreciated. We had a private onsen room which honestly is nice to have but not required. If you don’t have tattoos, save your money and use the public onsen as it’s so spacious to shower and then bathe in the onsen as the shower in your room is small. Would definitely come back again in the future!

  • Jacqueline Siew

    Jacqueline Siew


    Comfortable, modern and spacious ryokan. Room had private onsen which works well for the kids. Extra touches such as marshmallows and harp performances sets them apart though service can be much friendlier. We stayed for 2 nights and they do not change any of their buffet options for bf and dinner. Can do a lot better with their food.

  • Steve Chan

    Steve Chan


    The room isn’t modern but better than most traditional ryokan. It’s quite spacious for our family of four. We really like the outdoor hot tub. The in-room dining was great and our package came with all sorts of great wine and sake. There isn’t much to do at the lake during the winter except for visiting the ice festival. We had a great and relaxing stay. But I like lake Toya better.

  • Jeffrey Samuelson

    Jeffrey Samuelson


    Best private onsen experience ever! 100% worth it, will come back here again. The staff are thoroughly professional and great at anticipating needs - all speak multiple languages fluently and wear flag pins for each. As a special treat for our anniversary, we opted for the "[With hot spring open-air bath] Special room." The package came with in-room kaiseki multi-course breakfast and dinner and included all beverages on the menu. We received superb service for our meals from staff members, whose enthusiasm for the food helped us enjoy the meals even more. Tip for non-Japanese speakers: use the Japanese language booking website (with Google translate). We got a significantly better package deal that way, which was not listed on the English language booking site.

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