Chitose Airport Hotel en Chitose

JapónChitose Airport Hotel


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6-chōme-1-1 Chiyodachō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 123-26-1155
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Latitude: 42.8266723, Longitude: 141.6499635

comentarios 5

  • Cheng



    The room was quite small and cozy, there’s a heater that I can turn on and off myself, a desk and a fridge. The service was amazing, there were free lollies, face mask, gels…. and they provide free airport bus. The only problem is we struggled a bit with communication and had to use google translate. 😅 Location is amazing, 4mins walk from the station. There’s a Lawson 1 min walk away, restaurants nearby, DVD, game and manga stores.

  • Mark Armstrong

    Mark Armstrong


    As a family of 3, we found the hotel to be good for our needs. Room was fine with 3 quality beds and shower falcilites were above what I've experienced in other Japanese hotels of the same star rating. Restrauant wasn't open when we arrived but there are good restrauants within a short walking distance.

  • Ives Lim

    Ives Lim


    Great location, 6km to Chitose Airport. This hotel provide free shutter bus service to airport. Walking distance 300m to AEON Supermarket, convenient stores, 100yen shops, restaurants & JR station. Front desk was helpful, helping us to move our bulky luggage into our room. Room is just nice for 2, with all the basic facilities : warmer, TV, wifi, jug kettle, toiletries, clothes hanger & etc. There's laundry room & vending machine at level 2 as well

  • Rachel Lam

    Rachel Lam


    Great value, very convenient location just a couple minutes walk from Chitose JR Station. The staff are very friendly and helpful, and the room was clean and comfortable. The hotel offers a free airport shuttle service which is excellent! They also give a free entry to a small public bath located at it's sister hotel 2 minutes walk away. There's an AEON mall 5 minutes walk away as well which had a supermarket and some food options.

  • Phantom Blade

    Phantom Blade


    Very convenient location. Near to train station. Free carpark. Spacious room for family, staying of 4 person in one room. The bathing room looks small at first glance. But when you get used it, you will like it. The breakfast is simple but nice and healthy. We had a good time there

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