Spa and Esthetique Suichokan en Sapporo

JapónSpa and Esthetique Suichokan


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3-chōme-57 Jōzankeionsennishi, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-2303, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-595-3330
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Latitude: 42.9680405, Longitude: 141.164856

comentarios 5

  • Pum Leelapisut

    Pum Leelapisut


    It is the best place to stay! I love service , food and relaxation atmosphere. I only stay for a night. I stayed in Traditional Japanese room which was really nice. I have very good sleep. They provided a great premium healthy food meal set. I love their breakfast. Outdoor Onsen was wonderful. If u want to relax , this is the place.

  • Katie Coleman

    Katie Coleman


    Beautiful female hotel and spa. Had the best massage I have ever had.

  • Max OUYANG

    Max OUYANG


    We had an amazing stay here and will recommend Suichokan :) Our room is super clean and beautifully designed in traditional Japanese style, with mountain views outside the window. Additionally, we have been provided with a variety of amenities - welcome sweets, yukata, towel set and toiletries. The onsen (hot spring) outdoors was relaxing and the temperature was perfect as it kept us warm and fuzzy in a snowy night. The restaurant service was exceptional as well. Everything was so delicate and delicious, we can see how much attention the chefs have put into details. We also noticed that there were not many people staying in the hotel so the service felt really intimate and private. All the staff members have been extremely helpful and friendly to us which we appreciate a lot! We hope this place got more recognitions 🍀

  • Vivien Short

    Vivien Short


    This was my first time staying in a Ryokan and I had a wonderful time. There is a great attention to detail here and I treasured every moment at Suichokan because of it. The staff were incredibly patient with my limited Japanese and I felt welcomed, despite being a foreigner, for the few days that I was here. I really hope I can come back one day and experience the magic of Suichokan again.

  • Justine LaLa Story

    Justine LaLa Story


    This was women only hot spring resort in Hokkaido. I flew in to new Chitose Airport which is known as Sapporo. The hotel have a shuttle service to pick you up to and from the Sapporo train station. As I was traveling alone, the room seemed more spacious. You get to choose the sample size bath amenities from four brands to chose from. The room comes with no bath but just toilet with TOTO washlet. Next to the toilet room, there is a sink and hairdryer. The meals (dinner and breakfast) were excellent. The concept of the place is well being, they implemented the Chinese herbal medicine ingredients into the menu. Really focused on women’s well being. There was 2 private baths you can use whenever it is free. And 2 indoor hot springs baths and 2 small outdoor baths. It was never really crowded as it was maybe weekdays. (You might really want to cover up if you had body art..they may even refuse you) There’s yoga class, and other crafty type of class offered few times a week, which I could not attend as it was during the dinner time. Clean room, friendly staff, good hot spring quality water baths and fresh air of Hokkaido truly made worth a visit.

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