Hotel Wing International Chitose en Chitose

JapónHotel Wing International Chitose


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2-chōme-2-10 Chiyodachō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 123-24-2111
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Latitude: 42.8237377, Longitude: 141.6458679

comentarios 5

  • Zino Gan

    Zino Gan


    It's very near to the airport. Good for those who need to arrive at the airport early and land late in Hokkaido. However, the step into the shower is high, which can be difficult for elderly. The entrance to the hotel also has many steps, the have a ramp but I imagine that it will be difficult if u have elderly with u. One of the young male waiter does not have a good attitude. We were asking for parking directions and any other way to bring in luggage. We understand that not everyone speaks English here, but he didn't even attempt to understand us here. Instead, he just brushed us off with "it's OK, it's ok" but this doesn't even match out questions and leaves us puzzled.

  • Steve S.

    Steve S.


    I booked a non-smoking room, but when I arrived, their so-called smoking room was full of smoke smell, especially the beddings. I told the staff and they weren’t helpful at all. My wife was pregnant at the time.

  • Reshma Soiru

    Reshma Soiru


    Rooms are compact and convenient for a night stay. With refrigerator, wifi, TV available Location is very easily accessible from Chitose station (by walk around 15mins) There is restaurant on the 1st floor. Drink vending machine, oven and washing machine in 3rd floor. Parking available at the hotel. The best part is they have shuttle bus service to Chitose station and New Chitose airport. Please confirm the timing at the front reception during check in. I could smell cigarette all over the room and veranda. But it is bearable.

  • Hannah Oliver

    Hannah Oliver


    Amazing hotel before our early flight. Free coffee, toiletries in the foyer which you can help yourself and take to your room. Tv, bath, dressing gown, slippers, double bed, warm welcome on arrival by staff and free shuttle bus to the airport in the morning. everything was great. Loved our stay. Small room but perfect still for everything we needed. Thank you, Arigato

  • Wanchat Pimsuwan

    Wanchat Pimsuwan


    First time I just looking the hotel near Chitose airport that near train station and have bus to airport. But when I arrived it was excited. Room is beautiful and comfortable than I thought. This hotel have a breakfast if you want and night bar. I not sure car park have any charge? If I have to go there in the future I will stay this hotel again.

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