HOTEL MYSTAYS Sapporo Nakajima Park en Sapporo

JapónHOTEL MYSTAYS Sapporo Nakajima Park


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1-chōme-1-20 Minami 14 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0914, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-531-0550
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Latitude: 43.042508, Longitude: 141.356975

comentarios 5

  • Teneile Harris

    Teneile Harris


    Room was very clean. Bathroom was small but manageable. The room it self was perfect. We stayed for 4 days. The hotel was close to the station and Nakajima koen was across the road. Will stay again

  • Lalisa



    𝗟𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗔 | 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭 ‧ 𝘈𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 ‧ 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴 Instagram: @lalisa_doniho Links: __ Good location, near a park, train station, and minj market. Breakfast buffet is available, with food and drink variety. They also have a coffee/tea machine with water dispenser. For the food, they have rice, porridge, curry, sashimi, karaage, smoked beef/pork, sausages, grilled fish, bread, tofu, sushi, fried potato, pastry, salad, cereal, yoghurt, milk, juice, fruits (oranges, etc.) The hotel is not that big. In the room, you can find a television, water purifier, a table, a bed, bath tub, shower, toilet, and a window. You can take some amenities near reception desk: face cream, toner, cleansing oil, small body towel, sandal, etc.

  • Sally Tan

    Sally Tan


    My room for 3 was big with a small table and the third bed in the middle. Toilet was big but whenever you shower, water will sip through the sides of the bath to the floor soaking the floor map. Room is clean and comfortable but not much view as it was not facing the park. 5 mins walk to the nearest convenience store. If you drive, it’s a short distance from some nice bakery and shopping malls. Parking is 1500 per day. The attendant is a friendly too. When it snows, the park is totally white and beautiful.

  • Joseph swee huat

    Joseph swee huat


    Very pleasant stay with excellent service, staff are very polite and accommodating. They were very helpful in our first time in Japan and the hotel is a 1 minute walk from Nakajima Park which was blooming with cherry blossoms during our stay. Highly recommended!

  • David Truong

    David Truong


    Good hotel for the price, 3 minute walk to the nearest rail station, across the street from the huge park. It's a little bit of a trek to everything like Susukino and Odori park, but it's no problem with the rail stop so nearby. Room was comfy enough.

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