御宿一富士 w Nikko



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒321-2526 Tochigi, Nikko, Kinugawaonsentaki, 798−1 御宿 一富士
kontakt telefon: +81 288-76-8466
strona internetowej: www.ichifuji.biz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.834136, Longitude: 139.7170285

komentarze 5

  • nowhazard



    ■Accommodation plan Solo travel plan - Relax! 8 tatami Japanese style room with 2 meals where you can enjoy country cuisine ■Accommodation fee 14,300 yen ■Impressions I stayed here for one night on a solo trip from Tokyo. In conclusion, it was very good. I think it's okay if you don't mind sharing the bathroom. Below are the individual items. ・When traveling by train, get off at Kinugawa Onsen Station. There is a dial bus on your right as you exit the station, and if you tell them your hotel name when you get on, they will take you to the front of the hotel. Payment was 200 yen only in cash. ・If it is late and there are no dial buses, please call the hotel and ask if they can pick you up. It's about 2km on foot, so it's not too far to walk. ・The room was on the third floor. There are no elevators, only stairs. There was a refrigerator, trash can, and towel rack right next to the door. ・The room was more than enough space for one person. I was surprised that the heating equipment was not only an air conditioner but also a heater. The outside temperature was actually below freezing, so maybe that's to be expected. ・As other people have commented, there are not many electrical outlets. There were 6 in total, 4 near the TV and 2 near the heater. It's located at a perfect distance from the table, so if you're interested, you may want to bring a three-pronged power strip with you. ・There are two baths, which cannot be reserved for one person. There are three tags: ``men's bath'', ``women's bath'', and ``private bath'', and ``private bath'' can be used if two or more people are using the bath. It is not possible to make reservations. ・For this reason, I was a little worried about using the bath, but I was able to use it by myself twice, once in the evening and once in the morning. By the way, both times I took the bath on the right side. There was an indoor bath and an outdoor bath, and 3 washing areas. It's large enough to accommodate 4 to 5 people at the same time. The indoor bath felt like 45 degrees Celsius, so I couldn't enter it because it was too hot. The outdoor temperature was about 40 degrees Celsius, which was perfect. Shampoo, conditioner, and body soap are provided. Coix lotion and cream in the changing room too? I wonder if there was. The other bath on the left was reserved both times, so I gave up. ・Meals include dinner and breakfast. It was delicious. Refills of rice are available. For dinner, you can order additional drinks, alcohol, and a la carte items. Payment was made in full at checkout. ・Meals are served according to the menu table, and if the food is not first in line, it will be brought to you at a later date. If you are afraid of forgetting to eat, please say a few words before returning to your room. ・The washbasin is the one in the toilet. Personally, what was difficult for me was the lack of hot water. Maybe if I waited a while it would come out, but it was the middle of winter so it was cold... ・You are responsible for laying out the futon in your room yourself. There are instructions on how to lay it out. It seems that since the corona vortex, I have become self-service to prevent infection.

  • Nidge 1

    Nidge 1


    Excellent place to stay

  • Alice Chiu

    Alice Chiu


    I definitely recommend everyone stay here for your trip to enjoy REAL Japanese style life. The owner is really nice and willing to help us, even though we don't speak Japanese. The food was delicious and tasted natural. You can feel they spend lots of time preparing those good food! For the hot spring, I feel fully relaxed after I finished taking it. Love outdoor hot spring! If I have chance to visit Japan again, I will come again! :)

  • Xavier Martínez Palau

    Xavier Martínez Palau


    The place is very nice and the food very good. Very authentic experience. They also have a lot of manga (in Japanese) for you to read while you're there.

  • PP L

    PP L


    The food is amazing.

najbliższy Kwatera

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