ćƒ›ćƒ†ćƒ« ćƒ‹ćƒ„ćƒ¼ćŠćŠć‚‹ć‚Š w Nikko

Japoniaćƒ›ćƒ†ćƒ« ćƒ‹ćƒ„ćƒ¼ćŠćŠć‚‹ć‚Š


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

37 Kinugawaonsentaki, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2526, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 120-883-489
strona internetowej: www.ohruri.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.8248192, Longitude: 139.7110631

komentarze 5

  • Stephanie Craig

    Stephanie Craig


    Staff were friendly and tried to help but English wasn't great (it is rural Japan). Some items lost in translation around dinner times as you are allocated a serving (either 5-6:10pm or 7-8:10pm). We went down at 5:10pm as they give you a piece of paper when you check in with information about dinner times (no mention of second sitting). We were initially told that there were no slots for booking the private onsen on the roof and once we had asked about being sent away at 5:10pm for dinner they managed to find us a slot in the private onsen. You only get one slot and it's 20 mins only. We did see some deer & other wildlife from here though! Hotel was traditional but still very outdated and looked like a hospital, with lighting out, wallpaper peeling, cracked walls and flooring lifting. Lots of stuff lying around in the corridors making it look untidy. The hotel needs some TLC! When we checked in we found a pair of underwear that wasn't ours. The bath and shower need a major uplift. The sink in our room was stained and hanging off the wall.

  • Sam Watson

    Sam Watson


    The hotel had such an excellent view of the river. The staff were nice people and the rooms were great. The only complaint was the WiFi speed wasn't fast enough to play video games, but that is not a problem because Kinugawa is about tourism and the outdoors, so WiFi shouldn't be a factor against this hotel. Overall, this hotel is quite grand. It can accommodate many guests because it is huge.

  • Phoebe Luong

    Phoebe Luong


    Hotel staff unable to speak English but super helpful. However the room is dirty and the facility seems to be built from 30 years ago without much maintenance. Hotel does not have card payment option.

  • Hornet09able1



    room and building little old. yellowish color on white surface.good location. and c the river .hi tech lite control w remote. no wifi except lobby. buffet is good w variety. utensils little old

  • Jenna Elzein

    Jenna Elzein


    This hotel was terrible. It was quite cheap so we weren't expecting much, but the standards we were met with were unacceptable. I know that onsen towns like this one have struggled a lot this year, but basic cleanliness and hospitality are not expensive to provide. We would certainly have been able to look past the dingy, poorly kept common areas, but that was just the start of things. Our room was filthy, particularly the bathroom (see photos below). The floor was dirty enough to darken the bottoms of our feet and the futons and bedding we were given were stained. It smelled like stale smoke. Breakfast was, unsurprisingly, also bad. It would have been cafeteria-level if the dishes had been clean but, of course, they were not. The main staff were also rude. When we checked-in, the man minding the desk was baffled by our questions about the location of our rooms and the public baths (despite the fact that everyone present spoke fluent Japanese). The conversation was so frustrating that we decided to wait until morning to talk to the day staff about our concerns. In the morning when we spoke to the front desk again about the state of the room, they just said "Sorry." and waited for us to pay. Japan sets a HIGH bar for hospitality, but this place would have been a disgrace anywhere. If you're traveling to the Kinugawa area, be warned.

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