Kinugawa Park Hotels w Nikko

JaponiaKinugawa Park Hotels


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1409 Kinugawaonsen Ōhara, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2522, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-77-1289
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.8239268, Longitude: 139.7131712

komentarze 5

  • pirosmate



    Superb onsen, with atmosphere and style, you will love it. Our traditional room was spacious, spotllessly clean and convenient. The whole place is nice, the spa is luxy. My only regret is not staying a few days more. The staff have difficulties with English, but they are kind and dedicated, so all went well.

  • 나준철



    After sightseeing Toshogu shrine Lake Jujenji it is the reasonable choice to stay Kinugawa hot spring area. 1 hour far from Toshogu shrine. Not very luxury but can experince Japanese traditional style of stay.

  • Mayflower Ts

    Mayflower Ts


    If you are looking for a traditional japanese ryokans with onsen in Nikko, i would definitely recommend this hotel. It has a very attentive staff and spacious rooms.

  • Carlos Calixto

    Carlos Calixto


    Warm, personalised welcome from the staff, 10/10. Rooms (stayed at the American Casual Cottage) and facilities are a bit worn down. The cottages need a good clean up and fresh paint outside. Inside, the rooms need some renovating, but they are spacious, clean, quiet and have amazing views over the valley. There are two onsen areas on site that rotate through the day for male and female bathers. The space is great, but again in need of some renovations. Very close to the station, bars, restaurants and local 7-Eleven. Decent value for money.

  • Jeroen Delcour

    Jeroen Delcour


    Very friendly and accommodating staff. Not all speak English, but we were always able to understand each other eventually. Our traditional Japanese room was old (very 70's, especially the bathroom) but clean except for a little mold in the bathroom. The bug screen on the window had tiny gaps in it, enough that some bugs got in. The baths are definitely the main attraction (both public and private are available) which are very nice! They rotate which gender can go into which public bath so all guests have a chance to see both baths.

najbliższy Kwatera

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