Hotel Ōtaki w Nikko

JaponiaHotel Ōtaki


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

155-1 Kinugawaonsentaki, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2526, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 288-77-3355
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.8278498, Longitude: 139.712648

komentarze 5

  • Random Randomness

    Random Randomness


    I really wanted to enjoy it but it’s quite average. Pros are it has a nice old school Japanese aesthetic with Tatami mats and a clean onsen. Unfortunately it’s far from food areas and had a weird smell throughout my floor. Service was as you would expect expect, but there was a mishap where I asked for an extended night and they didn’t note it down so I had to pay for a surcharge when I found out in the afternoon.

  • Margaret W

    Margaret W


    Location is slightly far from central Nikko, but still manageable with a car. Not much to see or do around the area at night. There is a public onsen with just two pools - the outdoor one being quite small. Because the whole hotel is Japanese style, you have to take off your shoes at the entrance. Overall the rooms are very spacious and the beds were fairly comfortable, will make a decent overnight stay in Nikko.

  • Sasi Bim

    Sasi Bim


    1.1km long distance away from nearest train station ( Kinugawaonsen st.) if you are travelling it is quite a walk so recommended to get a car and everything will be great. Spacious, clean room. We are 3 people and it was perfect. Good futons, and extra mattresses were provided. Got the room facing the main road which was nice. Service was great but one of the staffs were obviously annoyed at me since I speak English and he doesn’t and had to use the mobile translator. The other staff however was very pleasant. The public hot baths was very nice both indoors and outdoor looking into nature. Hotel even had a library and a big sitting area. I really like this hotel!

  • Dimas Gumilang

    Dimas Gumilang


    trully enjoyed our stay in hotel Ootaki, been here for 3 times. as long as you drive a car, want a japanese style hotel with natural hot spring and with a reaaly reasonable price. hotel ootaki is your choice. wifi works perfectly. cons there are no washlet in the toilet but it still okay for us since the toilet has a sink on top of it. parking spot not so spacious definitely come back again in the future

  • Dmitry Patashov

    Dmitry Patashov


    Considering that this is a very inexpensive hotel, the service is great and the rooms are nice and clean. The hotel is old looking, however, there is no bad smell whatsoever. The rooms are big, comfortable and clean. There is a free hot-spring inside that also has an outdoor bath. Very nice experience. This is probably one of the best places in the area if you don't want to spend much on a luxurious hotel.

najbliższy Kwatera

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