Hotel Kinugawa Gyoen w Nikko

JaponiaHotel Kinugawa Gyoen


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒321-2521 Tochigi, Nikko, Fujihara, 1−1 ホテル鬼怒川 御苑
kontakt telefon: +81 50-3852-4766
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.8302047, Longitude: 139.7194381

komentarze 5

  • Yuki Chan

    Yuki Chan


    I requested for non smokers room while booking, but there was only smoking room for us in the end. It was stinky… unpleasant smell all the time. At least the room was clean and tidy. The car park is 100-200 meters away from the hotel instead just down stairs. And most unbelievable thing is, the room has no hair dryer.

  • Lori L.

    Lori L.


    Food was mediocre, location was not super close either. They charge you a fee to pick up and drop off from the station. First time I've experienced this for a hotel. Usually it's a complimentary service. Hopefully their food can improve and they can section off the smoking area - it was really bad that I could smell it in the hotel lobby toilets (which was across the corridor).

  • Dan Dan

    Dan Dan


    The room size was huge where at least 20 people could fit in and sleep easily. We stayed on the 8th floor. The onsen itself was good. If you have ever been to an onsen then you know what to expect. The staff is friendly enough. I am 190cm tall and on the shelf they only had up to 180cm yukatas but a staff member came up to me instantly to offer a bigger one. The dinner buffet was pretty good. Lots of food to choose from and alcohol. No Wi-Fi in the rooms is a massive no-no. You can only get Wi-Fi access in the lobby but even then you need to in a specific spot. This is especially bad for foreign tourists travelling and they don’t want to use roaming charges on their data plans. Hotels by default need to provide WiFi across its premises. The charging port in the room was whack. There was a knob that said up to 400w but when I plugged in my phone charger nothing happened. Only when I turned on the bed light and turned the knob which the bed light was connected to it started to charge. You basically need to sleep with the bed light on if you want to charge your phone. Someone need to check the wiring. Overall very pleasant ryokan without breaking the bank.

  • Sasan Yousefpour

    Sasan Yousefpour


    3/2019 Reform and remodel both Japanese style rooms and western style rooms. Beautifully done. Tatami in the ofuro and free popsicle milk ice cream all you want. Food quality and selection has gone down dramatically. Six years ago, I stayed here for the first time. Food was fantastic, selection was great, the rooms were old and falling apart. It was just a year and half after Fukushima earthquake. Now rooms are great but the food is less than mediocre.

  • Nathaniel Kwok

    Nathaniel Kwok


    This is a vacation resort near the famous hot springs. we primarily went for the private springs... but it wasn't anything special. however we had a free dinner and breakfast buffet. the food was decent but again it's free. the hotel is a little far from the station but still within walking distance... about 11 min.

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