Toyoko INN Toyamaekishinkansenguchi 1 en Toyama

JapónToyoko INN Toyamaekishinkansenguchi 1


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1-chōme-5-1 Takaramachi, Toyama, 930-0007, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-433-1045
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.7001616, Longitude: 137.2092399

comentarios 5

  • Igor Fedoseev

    Igor Fedoseev


    price for standard room street days 6,800 yen and weekends 7,400 yen for regular customers 5% discount

  • Lior Blum

    Lior Blum


    Nice ordinary toyoko Inn near the train station, but the breakfast for vegans is practically nothing (even no natto...).

  • Alan Garbarz

    Alan Garbarz


    Good hotel. Very close to the station. It was clean and staff was helpful (although no English speaking skills). It is dated and breakfast is very limited to Japanese style , that's why I give it a 4. Lots of business people , apparently. I recommend it as a place from which head to Kurobe Gorge Railway , and definitely try the outside Kuronagi Onsen (by far the greatest of all the universe).

  • Pace Weng

    Pace Weng


    5-10 minutes walking from the station. Average prices and clean rooms. OK service and complimentary breakfast. Good for overnight stay or short period stay when you visit Toyama. There is a car rental shop nearby, which is convenient if you need a car for the trip. Only one negative is no convenient stores here. You have go the station to have it.

  • paul evans

    paul evans


    Most helpful staff of my trip so far. Spotlessly clean , breakfast was great and popular amongst all the guests. Lots of foreign visitors stayed here as Toyama Airport is a hub for at least three foreign airlines.

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