ANA Crowne Plaza Toyama, an IHG Hotel en Toyama

JapónANA Crowne Plaza Toyama, an IHG Hotel


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2-2番3号 Ōtemachi, Toyama, 930-0084, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-041-080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6915816, Longitude: 137.2119379

comentarios 5

  • Cindy



    the breakfast was superb! the lobby is huge and they have money changer machine at the lobby. there is convenient store nearby and toyama castle is just right across the hotel.

  • 適鴻李



    I am so lucky to live in a room that face good view. One 7-11 market is close to this hotel. It s breakfast is good and multiple choice.

  • Emelyn Patrocinio

    Emelyn Patrocinio


    Location is great, just in front of Toyama castle. Rooms are spacious and clean. Service: It took a while to check-in despite being an IHG member

  • Evalyn Venture

    Evalyn Venture


    Well presented with modern high quality fittings. Staff were courteous and helpful. Semi-secure underground parking on-site (shared with adjacent convention centre), at a cost of 1500 yen per night. Lots of meal options, although I didn’t dine. Free tram tickets upon arrival. Close to local attractions and amenities. I was given a room on the 18th floor with a fantastic view. The minibar was empty upon arrival, despite a price list being placed in the room for items. I was also unable to work out the TV (it was stuck on a tourist promotion channel), and I couldn’t find any instructions on how to use it. AC had been set to 26C prior to my arrival, despite it being the middle of summer. My IHG membership details were also incorrect, and didn’t reflect changes I had made online.

  • Emily Sinclair

    Emily Sinclair


    We were really looker after during our stay and given a room on thr 18th floor with and incredible skyline view in 2 directions that even had a massage chair!! I'm imagining the great room was due to our IHG One Rewards status. Can't believe our luck with this hotel and how well we we're looked after. Thank you!!

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