Hotel Crown Hills Toyama en Toyama

JapónHotel Crown Hills Toyama


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2-chōme-4-11 Sakuramachi, Toyama, 930-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-1807-1584
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Latitude: 36.6974411, Longitude: 137.212413

comentarios 5

  • Rin Len

    Rin Len


    Terrible experience. Booked through agoda with a discount for specifically "non smoking room" with clear remarks "customer is asthmatic, strictly non smoking room". Yet upon check in, receptionist said there is no non smoking room left so i have to stay in a smoking level smoking room for 4 days 3 nights. And she added that with my discounted price, i cant have room cleaning service and have to use the same towels everyday which i was not informed about during booking. Even with a discount, do i have to put my health at risk? I repeatedly said i am asthmatic and this is not the room i paid for, but she ignored me. It is late at night now and i was not informed about this before hand else I would have cancelled and booked elsewhere. Room is old and small, poor smell all the way from the corridor to the room, and poor sound insulation. I dont care that they have free flow beer or drinks at level 1 when they are putting my health at risk and triggering my asthma. I had checked with agoda that said they didnt know this hotel put me to a smoking room despite the orders.

  • Ajay Reddy

    Ajay Reddy


    Good place for a stop over on your way to/from the Alpen trek. It is situated about a 10 min walk from the station. The rooms are tiny (which seems to be the standard in Japan) but clean. You can help yourself with the toiletries at the reception.

  • V D Ram Pavan (​ఓ బాటసారి)

    V D Ram Pavan (​ఓ బాటసారి)


    The place is clean. Lot of freebies available here. Worthy of your payment. The staff here are supportive. Check-in process is easy. You will find it at just 500 metres from JR Toyama Railway station. Also it is very close to Toyama International conference centre.

  • Verena Tentakel

    Verena Tentakel


    The hotel is alright considering its price and location. Positives: Toyama Station is just a 10 minutes walk away, there are convinience stores, vending machines and a park nearby. The rooms are small but clean and tidy. And they have private toilets and bathrooms with showers Negatives: The rooms do not have air conditioning and the windows are locked so it gets really hot inside at night. It's hard to sleep in the heat. The furniture and the equipment is really old, but still okay. So considering everything the overall result comes down to 3 out of 5 stars. Okay for the pricetag, but not great.

  • Louise Li

    Louise Li


    Wonderful location. 5 minutes walk from Toyama Station, surrounded by restaurants, 2 convenient stores within 2min walking distance. Friendly staff. Free breakfast was delicious. My single room and bathroom was clean. They provided basic things: electric kettle, a small fridge, small TV, hair dryer, shampoo, body soap and 2 towels in the bathroom. Basic toiletries (toothbrush, shaving kit, etc.) were provided in the lobby.

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