Toyama Manten Hotel en Toyama

JapónToyama Manten Hotel


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2-17 Honmachi, Toyama, 930-0029, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-439-0100
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.695065, Longitude: 137.2162311

comentarios 5

  • Toraneko



    The map said it is a 15 min walk from Toyama station to the hotel, but it felt shorter. Just walking along the tram and you can get there. The staff and the room were nice. There were outlets near the bed and it was convenient. It has a large public bath on the top floor, it was so comfortable and relaxing. They offered a cup of beer for 300 yen at the entrance of the public bath, it was a great deal.

  • maria ovy sonia

    maria ovy sonia


    The receptionist is super helpful and can speak english pretty well. The Onsen is nice and clean, the breakfast well, 6/10.

  • Jason Chuei

    Jason Chuei


    Decent onsen hotel in Toyama. Small, but clean rooms. Hotel itself is a little old, but has everything you need. Nice onsen on the top floor, with a few pools, sauna and jacuzzi too. Hotel restaurants look good too. Breakfast available for ¥1000.

  • w wwai

    w wwai


    Location not good - area is mostly commercial buildings with hardly any eateries or shops. Just a Lawson and Family Mart several hundred metres away. Need to take a tram 4 stops from Toyama Station but hotel gives free tram tickets. Breakfast is limited spread of Japanese in a noisy staff canteen environment. Hotel is stingy not providing coffee or tea. Just 2 small sachets of green tea. Room is ok. Bathroom is those retro-fitted type on a raised platform. Windows provide adequate noise insulation. Air conditioner is warm air only.

  • Delicious Myojo

    Delicious Myojo


    A frills free hotel. Good for business trip stay or travel on an average budget. The staffs are friendly and helpful. Typical Japanese room in terms of size but well equip with the necessary amenities for your need. There is a small Japanese bath for the women on the 11th floor for a good soak. You need to know the rules before you take the bath. The most impressive of my stay I would is the local Japanese buffet spread. They have good variety of food and well cooked. I enjoyed it very much.

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