Dormy Inn Toyama en Toyama

JapónDormy Inn Toyama


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4-8 Ōtemachi, Toyama, 930-0084, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-420-0005
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Latitude: 36.6905619, Longitude: 137.2120933

comentarios 5




    Good location, clean facility, good people to serve and excellent natural hot spring spa! There is free ice candy in the evening after taking a natural hot spring, free half size souse based ramen in the night and free yogurt-like drink in the morning as well as free sweet and cold water in the fridge when you arrive at the assigned room. It's so nice to be here to relax and enjoy as a home away from home.

  • LYDIA Chua

    LYDIA Chua


    The room is spacious enough for 2 and can open 2 luggages. There is onsen which is clean. I like the free coffee available and desserts. 7-11 nearby and 15 min walk from Toyoma station.

  • Juan Tomas Rodriguez

    Juan Tomas Rodriguez


    The hotel is a little old, but just as every Dormy Inn it has its perks: great, wide bath area with free ice cream, soda and ramen in the evenings. It is a little far from the station (20-minute walk or 5-minute bus ride), but you will not find too many hotels around the station area. Cheap for being a Dormy Inn but not the best within the chain.

  • Katerina Rossolovich

    Katerina Rossolovich


    A clean room, comfortable beds, amazing onsen and free tasty ramen in the evening! The location is great - near the castle and a 15 minute walk from the station. The room is rather big to the Japanese standards, the funny thing is that the sink is not in the bathroom, but in the room itself, build in the desk. Complimentary ramen in the evening is made by a chef. We enjoyed staying in this hotel.

  • Yaron Tadmor

    Yaron Tadmor


    Great value for money. This a very nice hotel. Reception is welcoming, rooms are very nice and comfortable, staff is friendly and helpful. They have one of the nicest onsens I've been to and free noodles service at night. All reviews claiming it's old are probably old reviews as the inside of the hotel seems renovated. Overall we really enjoyed our stay here.

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