Osaka Garden Palace en Osaka

JapónOsaka Garden Palace



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
1-chōme-3-35 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6396-6211
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7316351, Longitude: 135.4901249

comentarios 5

  • John Torr

    John Torr


    Stayed here whilst travelling with a tour group. The rooms are clean and relatively spacious for Japan. However, the staff / management are an issue. The included breakfast was poor (even by Japanese standards) and the female Restaurant Maitre'd was officious and rude to many guests in our party. As we had a late flight I requested the cost to pay for an additional night (even though checking out at 5pm instead of 10am that day) and was quoted $220, well above many booking websites. If staying, request rooms floor 7 or above and external views to avoid light wells and air conditioning towers / systems! Highly recommend the breakfast at the Holiday Inn 100 metres up the street for available cereal, fresh fruit, crisp bacon and real eggs!

  • Karina Ana Ekhardt

    Karina Ana Ekhardt


    Great rooms, big and comfortable double bed. Friendly and helpful staff. 15 minutes by walk from Shin-Osaka station. Very tidy hotel. Free shuttle bus to Shin-Osaka station and back to hotel!!! Amazing!

  • L B

    L B


    Had three nights here and I would never stay here again. Reception staff (except Indian lady) are rude, dismissive, not at all helpful.they just look blankly at you or look away cos they make no attempt to understand you. Everything is written in Japanese with no English translation making it extremely difficult. The restaurant staff were amazing, polite people who really engaged and used translation to communicate. There is nothing special about this hotel. Food is ordinary and expensive. It’s not really close to anything. Positive is the shuttle bus.

  • jichoon jung

    jichoon jung


    The hotel is clean and the wifi works well. However, single beds are narrow. However, it is close to Shin-Osaka Station and there is a shuttle bus from the hotel, So it is convenient. Also, the park is close, so it's good to take a walk. And there is a cheonwon shovel and convenience store nearby, and there is a public bath, so it's good to use. Overall, this hotel is convenient and nice.

  • George Bennion

    George Bennion


    I held my wedding here, and it was an extremely pleasant experience. Our wedding consultant worked with us personally with great care from start to finish, helping us make decisions and get things ready. The venue isn't the fanciest in town, but is still very nice. The prices here are very reasonable compared to other venues. They were also very generous with free additions to our plan, helping us feel special and that we were saving money.

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