Hotel Monterey Osaka en Osaka

JapónHotel Monterey Osaka



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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3-chōme-3-45 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6458-7111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6994979, Longitude: 135.4917808

comentarios 5

  • Brent S

    Brent S


    Wonderful hotel. Centrally located and easy access to the Metro and trains. We stayed 5 nights and enjoyed the spacious rooms. Super friendly and helpful staff. Clean and larger than normal rooms (for Japan).

  • Sarah Brett

    Sarah Brett


    This hotel is a little dated but it's in a central location and handy for the main Osaka station. Our room was very small however, barely enough room to open a suitcase, and seemed somewhat old and shabby and in need of renovation. The TV offers Netflix though, which was a pleasant surprise as most hotels didn't seem to offer that service. We didn't pay for breakfast so I can't comment on that, we went to the Starbucks next to the hotel for breakfast. Our room was facing the internal courtyard and was pretty quiet, we didn't notice any noise from outside. The worst thing about the hotel though was the shower head (which they're so proud of that they sell at the front desk) in the bathroom, which is hopeless. If placed in the upper bracket, Western style, it shoots a horizontal jet of water across the bath, rather than down like a normal shower. I found the shower nearly impossible to use for that reason. I wouldn't return to this hotel.

  • 100 APPLES

    100 APPLES


    When we first came the ac was not working well. Someone had to fix it. Wifi would come on and off. There wasn't the best leg room. Amenities were ok. Breakfast was pretty good for the price.

  • Marianna G

    Marianna G


    They don’t really speak English. The massage service is only done in the room which is quite inconvenient if my roommate wants to do something else.

  • Chloé



    I came to this hotel for a business trip and my boss had chosen this hotel for me. The experience was overall good and I can understand why this theme can be popular amongst women here. As a French person I felt like staying at Disneyland's haunted mansion or Tower of Terror (笑) The staff was very nice and the breakfast was delicious! The bed and room was overall comfortable. I especially loved that the bathtub was European style where I could comfortably extend my legs (I'm tall). For me the minus point was that the room wasn't completely clean. The night before I had stayed in a cheap business hotel and the room was cleaner than at this more expensive hotel. There was a thick dust layer at the bottom of the fridge closet and at other different places. Maybe I got unlucky with my room but I wish the staff could be more careful to this. This is not my usual personal taste of hotel style so I'm not sure I will come back 🙇

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