Omi Kusatsu Tokushukai Hospital in Kusatsu

JapanOmi Kusatsu Tokushukai Hospital


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3-chōme-34-52 Higashiyagura, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0054, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 77-567-3610
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.001341, Longitude: 135.957148

kommentare 5

  • あき



    I visited the hospital with a high fever and swelling and pain around the parotid gland. I was examined by a female doctor, and the tests for coronavirus and influenza were negative, but she didn't examine my throat and just touched the area below my ear. When I said that I was in pain and swollen, I was told, ``It's okay.The pain and swelling are personal to me, so only I can understand.'' I reluctantly returned home with only a prescription for painkillers, but the pain worsened on the way home, so I went to a different hospital. I was told it was erysipelas and was prescribed antibiotics. I was told that if it got worse, I would have to receive intravenous drip treatment, which would lead to death, which made me more than angry but horrified. The swelling and redness were noticeable even by my family when they examined me.

  • 前田実保



    Dr. Suzuki, the pediatrician, and Chiyo, the nurse, are truly wonderful. Even when my child is not feeling well and I am worried, he speaks kindly to me. He provides peace of mind to parents through accurate diagnosis and treatment. The pediatrics department at this hospital is an indispensable place for children.

  • あい



    I came to the hospital as an emergency. Fever outpatient clinics required reservations. The process from reception to payment It took an hour and a half. I have no choice but to go to the doctor on my days off. There is a waiting time I guess it can't be helped. Even if you make a reservation, it takes time It is necessary to be prepared for a medical examination.

  • おくさゆ



    I went to a local internal medicine clinic with abdominal pain and was referred to this clinic for a check-up just to be sure. After a series of tests including CT and ultrasound, it was determined that there was a possibility of appendicitis, so he underwent emergency surgery and was hospitalized. The explanations were thorough and the nurses were kind. My recovery was going well and I was able to leave the hospital earlier than expected. In the end, I was only able to eat carefully prepared meals such as porridge, but it was delicious. I don't know why the reviews are so bad, but I think it's a normal, decent hospital.

  • richard/janet miller

    richard/janet miller


    The care and understanding I received was Great! Getting sick in a foreign country is never fun, but having to go to a hospital in a foreign country can be scary, however my experience at Tokushukai Hospital was excellent. Thank You to the staff for caring for me!

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