Kyoto Katsura Hospital in Kyoto

JapanKyoto Katsura Hospital



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17 Yamadahiraocho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8256, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-391-5811
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9822186, Longitude: 135.6876757

kommentare 5

  • yuu.



    They are money-oriented and don't care about their patients. It's a waste of time and money. Don't recommend it to your loved ones. Even though I am sick and have a difficult time, I would recommend not choosing this hospital in all respects. A nest of people who are protected and misunderstood in a small world. *There are many other hospitals* I'm not recommending this hospital.

  • なな



    I wonder why they don't try to improve it even though there are so many reviews. Hospitality has not improved. They don't mind making you wait, they ask you to come the next day after checking in with them on the phone beforehand, and so on. I can't post without a star, so I'm giving it one star, but it's a negative rating. I went there because of a referral, but I don't think I will choose Katsura Hospital again in the future. I guess this is what a lord's business means.

  • U Y

    U Y


    I was admitted to the urology department the other day. Although it was my first time being hospitalized, the nurses in charge, the doctor, and the operating room nurse all cared for me, and I was able to spend my time in the hospital with peace of mind. thank you ★I lost one item because of the cold reception from the office staff at the outpatient department before admission.Is this hospital okay? That's what I thought, so I'm reducing it.

  • よっしぃ



    I had a terrible experience while hospitalized over 10 years ago, so I got a letter of introduction from a doctor at another hospital where I am currently being treated, and the other day I went to get past test images, but I didn't contact him in advance. It took a lot of effort twice, and the CD I received was empty...I explained this over the phone, but they didn't believe me, so I left it on the desk for 2 hours, saying I would check for an empty CD on my third visit.・(Even though I was promised that I would be able to recopy it within an hour, so I went on a date and time that was convenient for the orthopedic surgeon) In the end, it was almost time for work, so I went home and finally got the test done on my 4th visit. I received the image. There was no apology for making me come to the hospital four times and for copying mistakes, and the young nurse who wore glasses and the nurse who looked like a senior (I won't name her) need attention because of their personalities. I'm sure there are many nurses working diligently, but the structure of the hospital hasn't changed much, which is a shame.

  • ゆー



    The year before last, I got sick and was hospitalized here. At that time, I thought that they didn't tell me important things or that they were slow to respond, but this time I came here for the first time in two years for an examination. The treatment of some doctors and nurses is just terrible. I came here because I received a letter of introduction, so when I was examined, I was laughed at and asked why I had come here. This service is the worst since it's not even close to me and the waiting time is long. The nurse who was with me also had a cold attitude and acted as if she should know even though I was asking because she didn't know. I don't want to come again. It's a shame because the nurses and technicians who perform the tests are all very nice people. Are you turning a blind eye to the low reviews and ratings? I don't think it's improving.

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