Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital in 京都市

JapanRakuwakai Otowa Hospital



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Japan, 〒607-8062 京都府京都市山科区音羽珍事町2
kontakte telefon: +81 75-593-4111
webseite: www.rakuwa.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9875348, Longitude: 135.8296555

kommentare 5

  • 陳先生



    My nephew went to the doctor because of allergies. He was only prescribed 60mg of antihistamine-depleting medicine, which was twice as much as the 30mg of antihistamine medicine that I bought at the drug store during the day. This cost me more than NT$6,000 in medical fees, and he refused. It’s really ridiculous to ask for a medical diagnosis. If you can read reviews in Chinese, think twice before going to the doctor!

  • ちか



    Bob, the young receptionist at the medical reception on the first basement floor near LAWSON, was bossy from beginning to end, didn't smile, and seemed like a pain in the ass. Even though it was already past the appointment time, she immediately went to the far parking lot to get her insurance card. He was unbiased and unreasonable in his opinions, and from my past experience, he was one of the worst I've ever seen in a hospital setting. Although I had made a reservation, I don't know who was at fault, but it seems like they didn't communicate well about the reservation, so it took a lot of time and the reservation started 20 minutes after the reservation time. I managed to calm down because there were people who took this fact seriously and listened to me. There are some good people out there, so I think they should carefully hire and train staff carefully so as not to tarnish the reputation of the hospital. Hospitals are for people who are mentally or physically weak and their families. If you are a person with a heart and not an AI, I would like you to respond with a heart. I may delete this post if I look at the situation and see improvements, but I thought other people should know as well. I feel sorry for the employees who are working hard.

  • 岩井莞



    Even though it was an emergency, it was left unattended. Forcibly hospitalized with no explanation given There was no antipyretic medicine in the shared room. Writhing around with nothing but ice pillows to give Still leave it alone Nurse call has no meaning There are no doctors, so I'm stuck here Sudden cerebrospinal fluid ingestion the next day When I looked into it later, there was another way. Numerous human experiments were carried out in addition to the tub rotation. They didn't give me any medicine. Then I asked a doctor I knew for help. If you wish to be transferred Shall we have a private room now? Please explain your medical condition. return of the hand with I still refused and was transferred to the hospital. There's no apology for this Apparently, he went to a doctor he knew and brought some sweets to apologize. He recovered quickly at the hospital he was transferred to. Highly recommended if you want to experience human experimentation on prisoners of war during the war. This is Hoshiichi. Both the government and the people working at Otowa Hospital I doubt humanity. If there is no law, immediately I want to burn it down.

  • Ota Akhmad

    Ota Akhmad


    Avoid this guy. Very rude and refused to treat when my wife was in pain.

  • Bill GoodGift

    Bill GoodGift


    They let me spend the night in their lobby during a typhoon. Didn't have anywhere else to go

nächste Krankenhaus

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