Minakuchi Clinics in Koka

JapanMinakuchi Clinics



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2-chōme-2-43 Minakuchichō Honmachi, Koka, Shiga 528-0031, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 748-62-1212
webseite: www.minakuchi-hp.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.971101, Longitude: 136.1754921

kommentare 5

  • ふるさわこうさく



    I live in Koka City, and there are only two psychiatric departments in Koka City: Koka City Hospital and this one. I went here because of depression. There are a lot of things I want to write about, but it's tedious so I'll omit most of them, but my doctor's listening skills are zero. In the first place, I have no desire to understand this symptom. No matter how tiring it may be, Koga City Hospital (not accepting new patients as of June 2024) will probably be impossible without a referral letter, so no matter how tiring it may be to go to the hospital, you should go to a hospital outside the city. is.

  • Lapis Fluorite

    Lapis Fluorite


    The hospital director here is the worst. The doctor's office is intimidating and has a "I don't care if you die" attitude. I don't think about the patients at all. There is no way a hospital like this could be a mental hospital. If you are thinking about suicide, etc., it is better not to go to Mizuguchi Hospital. will be killed.

  • 田中茂樹



    Repeated hospitalization and discharge. I am hospitalized for schizophrenia and depression. This year marks the 13th year.

  • 萬田裕仁(椎名)



    I have a developmental disorder (ASD, ADHD). I was prescribed a lot of medicine at my previous hospital, so I was transferred from Kofu Hospital (although the name seems to have changed now). My doctor was the director, and at first I thought, ``He's a harsh person,'' and I thought, ``If I listen calmly, he'll eventually understand,'' so I persevered. "It's abnormal to hit someone. (At that time, I was acting violent because I couldn't express my feelings properly. It was bad when I was in middle school, but my memories of that time have disappeared. It's disappeared, or rather, I feel like I'm being held down. )" "Reflect on the past five years (I think I was in the third year of junior high school at that time. I'll go back to fifth grade lol)" When I consulted about PMS, I was only prescribed paroxetine, and in another situation, "I think I was in the third year of middle school. They told me, ``There's nothing I can do about it now that I was born,'' and they didn't take me seriously. Also, when I was hospitalized due to the injury incident mentioned below, the Yards Flex I was taking at the time was stopped without any explanation. Later, when I consulted a lawyer about this matter, I was told that I could not win the case even if I sued because it was treated as medical treatment. I can only think that the half gray is attached to the back. I'm so angry that I want to give this doctor's (Aoki🙆🏻‍♀️) ID to the bank transfer scammers. Judging from his words and actions, Aoki is definitely using stimulants. (Even so, the director seems to get along well with some people because he says things accurately.), and flashbacks occur frequently. Her mother also seemed worried. I sent an email looking for a revenge agency, but got no response. I wrote bad things about the director on a thread on the 5ch occult board. It was so painful that I wanted to lie and say that I was sexually assaulted by him on Twitter and at the Flower Demonstration. . Then, I had frequent flashbacks of the hospital director, and I ended up causing an accident at a 7-Eleven (I pushed an old woman I didn't know into the street). I think it was because he was a young boy at the time that he didn't start refereeing, but I really can't forgive him. Personally, I think it's as bad as Satoshi Utsumi. I was wondering if I was able to transfer to the hospital, but I was able to. When I was admitted to the hospital due to an injury incident, the director told me, ``I won't let you leave the hospital easily!'' and I got angry and asked to be discharged. I wrote down my reason for wanting to be discharged twice on the paper that arrived and had it examined. By the way, the doctor who examined me at this time is a doctor at the hospital I am currently attending (although he is not my attending physician). the result, "Transition to another type of hospitalization is deemed appropriate." The documents arrived and I was transferred to the hospital. Chan Chan. There were some parts where I got a little emotional, but these are my impressions of Mizuguchi Hospital. However, I do have some acquaintances that I met at the hospital, so I keep in touch with them from time to time. Of course, there are people who are compatible with all hospitals, not just psychiatry, and even at the hospital I'm currently going to, there were people who weren't a good fit. However, the medicine suits me very well, and even when I was transferred to a new hospital, I continued to use the prescription at Mizuguchi Hospital as the base, and added Strattera, and the prescription at that time remained the same. I hope this review is helpful to you. (Added on 2024/03/04) It's been about 5 years, but I was so angry that I told Tokuryu's colleague, ``I was sexually assaulted!'' Thanks to #MeToo (lol), even criminal organizations seem to be filing damage reports (lol) Ryo Aoki is an evil doctor.

  • ザワニシ



    Last year, I went to this hospital with my family. As others have said, the counselor listened very kindly, but the doctor was finished. The symptoms of depression that cannot be cured in my family are just part of my personality, so give up! Medications don't work because they only make you sleepy! It'll work out if you're patient. My family and I were taken aback by the high-handedness of this statement. Is this a good line for a doctor to say? Is this the result of a painful visit? I thought the doctor here was sick. That's a good thing to say about someone who is mentally ill. I'll never forget it! I haven't been here since! ! By the way, I'm currently going to a different clinic, but my family got well within a month after receiving thorough counseling and prescription of suitable medicines. What can't be cured? Don't even lie! This doctor almost ruined my life and that of my family! If you are suffering from mental illness, please do not visit here. There is a high probability that you have a bad doctor! Your symptoms will get worse!

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