Yasu Clinics in Yasu

JapanYasu Clinics



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Japan, 〒520-2331 Shiga, Yasu, Koshinohara, 1094−1094
kontakte telefon: +81 77-587-1332
webseite: www.yasu-hp.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0646496, Longitude: 136.02319

kommentare 5

  • 真田幸政



    It was my first time here.The ceiling of the warehouse collapsed and I fell and hurt my head, so I went to see the hospital.Although I was from another prefecture, everyone from the receptionist to the nurses and doctors were kind and courteous, and I was able to be examined with peace of mind. I did it! Thank you again!

  • mako



    I brought a referral letter from another hospital.The doctor in charge was at 10:00, so I made an appointment at 10:30 and went on the same day.However, the doctor in charge didn't come before 11:00. I've been waiting for over 2 hours and the nurse in charge hasn't told me yet? When I asked him, he said he would call me next time. But he wasn't called. . If you listen to it again, it's next. . I couldn't trust the doctor or nurse in charge, so I went home. This is a horrible department that I don't want to give even one star.

  • シーキャ



    The option was added without permission during the medical checkup. I asked for ``the same course as last year,'' and when it came time to pay, I was charged an additional 20,000 yen.I thought the price had increased dramatically, but two extra options had been added without my permission. It's almost a scam. I was told that I could not get a refund. I cried myself to sleep.

  • ぷち



    Thank you for your help with my health checkup (lifestyle disease checkup). The reception desk for the medical examination was on the second floor, and many people had come since the morning.

  • ryouノノ



    When I was admitted to the hospital, I was informed that I would only be able to visit two people a day for 15 minutes or less (I thought it would be for up to 2 people once a day for 15 minutes), so I went and said, ``I'm glad you came today.'' ” I said no. The first time, I thought it was because two people came, but the second time they refused, saying, "One person came and stayed for 15 minutes." It doesn't matter if you mainly carry luggage. There is no wording on the website or inside the hospital (including the entrance) that everyone understands, so I requested that everything be improved. Perhaps because I was hospitalized because I was an elderly person and I was aware of the situation, even though I was tested, the results were not communicated to me in a ``like this'' manner, and I was not given a table of the test results. There was no mention of whether they were cleaning themselves or taking a shower, so I noticed that they were showering separately from other people to prevent infection, so I asked them what they needed and got them together. It seems that the patient can come on business about twice a month for haircuts, but if that is not possible, the patient or a family member should call, make an appointment, and discuss payment methods directly with the haircutter. When a caseworker wants to talk, they just tell the ward and ask to be let in. The new building will be built in a different location, but the current hospital is all old and the rooms are small and the curtains and light blue lights look like fluorescent lights and feel cold. It's not that doctors and nurses are overbearing, but most aspects of life other than treatment are left up to the patient. The quality of life of patients (especially the elderly) gradually declines.

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