Noichi Shokudo i Numazu

JapanNoichi Shokudo



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410-16 Heda, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-3402, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-94-3225
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.970389, Longitude: 138.7775414

kommentar 5

  • Vincent chan

    Vincent chan


    Very fresh and delicious spider crab

  • Justin H

    Justin H


    Had an amazing time here. Please be sure to call and set reservations. They even let us pick up the spider crab! We drove 3hrs from Yokosuka for this meal and my dad and I loved it. It's also in a breathtaking area by the waterfront. Everybody was so nice and so happy! I can't recommend enough.

  • Fun with Bev and Eve

    Fun with Bev and Eve


    Excellent seafood. The crab is to die for. Reasonable prices. Ask to be seated facing the ocean as it has a good view. Very polite staff. Authentic Japanese restaurant so you have to sit on cushions (on the floor) which is why I gave it 4 stars(bit uncomfortable for me :) ). Limited parking.

  • alice wong

    alice wong


    Very delicious crabs and seefood

  • Apple Pomme

    Apple Pomme


    A nice restaurant for lunch. Huge clubs are astonishing! We chat pay available... Convenient for tourists.

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