Numazu Riverside Hotel i Numazu

JapanNumazu Riverside Hotel


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100-1 Agetsuchichō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0802, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 55-952-2411
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0968993, Longitude: 138.8584654

kommentar 5

  • Malik Allah Yar Khan

    Malik Allah Yar Khan


    Nice view, River side. Spacious Junior suit with affordable price. Toilet & Shower bath tub separate. Comfortable mattress. Bit old building but very accessible from station and almost in center of night life. Ogawa san of staff at frount desk guided nicely and arranged a Birthday wish card and delicious cookies.

  • Renata Szarek

    Renata Szarek


    Perfectly located hotel, within walking distance to the JR station and nice view to the meandering river. The room was cozy, comfortable and spacious, and a bed with very comfortable mattress. In the evening we took a walk along the river bank with a beautifully lit bridge. I honestly can recommend this hotel.

  • Cindy Hamilton

    Cindy Hamilton


    We had a wonderful stay at the Numazu River Side hotel. The room was clean, the beds slept wonderful, good shower & water pressure. The breakfast was delicious and had a good variety. The staff was very friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend this hotel and will stay again when we come back.

  • Zed Freeman

    Zed Freeman


    Great room & a large size compared to Tokyo. Staff are lovely and spoke a little English, but we managed to sort everything out. This isn't a very touristy town, though absolutely love it here. Really different to my last week in Tokyo, though it was beautiful and the locals were all so accommodating and happy to chat. I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of Mt Fuji at 05:00 before the cloud set in. Great shower and toilet, was pleasantly surprised with this hotel considering the price. Bed was really comfy too. Above all, the aircon worked well which was great considering how hot it was when I visited.

  • Ryan Tan

    Ryan Tan


    (Note that for me, hotels in Japan only need to fulfill a few things - clean, a decent bed, a bathroom that works, and a mini-fridge) The room has all of the above. The room comes with the other usual amenities, such as a humidifier, kettle, hairdryer, etc. Space in the room is really good. Imagine the typical business hotel 1-man room in Tokyo, but increase the area by 1.5x. The carpeting doesn't feel old. Depending on which room you get, you may even have a view of Mt. Fuji, though this doesn't matter to me. The bathroom is spacious. I'm more of a shower person so no comments on the bathtub, other than it's a bit bigger than I'm used to in Tokyo business hotels. Shampoo/body soap/conditioner is provided. Toilet is the usual TOTO affair (heated seats, bidet, etc). My only experience with service is with check-in/out, so it's standard. Room cleaning is done everyday. Something interesting is that the room key is an actual physical key that acts as the "handle" from the outside. You don't have to return the key to the front desk when you go out. Location is alright, about a few 100m walk from Numazu station.

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