Toi Gold Mine i Izu

JapanToi Gold Mine



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2726 Toi, Izu, Shizuoka 410-3302, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-98-0800
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9082718, Longitude: 138.7928772

kommentar 5

  • Chandrika



    Nice place to visit during holidays and see the gold tunnel and museums. It has the largest gold block in the world for display.

  • LFI 06

    LFI 06


    Great time to learn more about gold line in Japan! Your guide available in Japanese only, but lots of panels also in English. You can even try to find gold as side activity!!

  • Sridhar Kris

    Sridhar Kris


    Creatively illustrated process of gold mining procedures that was carried out in the past here. Apart from the tunnel visit, you also get to experience the process of filtering gold from the ore. It's sort of a back bending activity, however worth trying.

  • Danielle M

    Danielle M


    Interesting history. The mineral mines in this area really made this place prosperous. It was fun learning about the mine and panning for gold. The garden was also very beautiful and picturesque. They have gold foil ice cream. There’s no taste to the gold but the ice cream was delicious. Good place to stop if you’re in the area. Their restaurant is open from 11:00-15:00 with last order at 14:30. There are food trucks in the parking lot.

  • Varghese Joseph

    Varghese Joseph


    Interesting place to visit, one can understand the gold mining history of Japan from here. The tunnels created for gold mining is kept and maintained for the visitors to walk around and see. Through out the tunnel models are displayed explaining the life of miners. There is a nice museum near, highlights are 12kg and 250kg gold. Visitors can touch and lift it(if you are strong enough). Another attraction is the gold panning, at an extra cost we can try out luck in gold panning at the area provided near the gift shop. One can get some interesting Omiyage from the gift shop here. Overall a good experience worth the time for kids and adults.

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