Kyokusho-en Arai i Izu

JapanKyokusho-en Arai



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284-2 Toi, Izu, Shizuoka 410-3302, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-98-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.914074, Longitude: 138.792129

kommentar 5

  • Анастасия Хвалебнова

    Анастасия Хвалебнова


    The place is beautiful, and the rooms are nice. But the prices and courses are VERY tricky and unclear. Hotel staff wasn't really helpfull too. I'll recomend check everything twice if you will make a resevation.

  • Beatrise Tjarve

    Beatrise Tjarve


    We didnt like the stay in this hotel. The room was big, but very, very old with a mouldy smell. I could not sleep because the smell was so intense. Privat bath for 2200 Yen for 45min was not worth.. Too expensive as for lodging of this quality.

  • Finly wong

    Finly wong


    Definitely worth to pay a visit! Authentic Japanese style decoration and food experience. Staff are great and with superb hospitality, room is very spacious and drinks are provided free of charge. Foods are good 4.5 out of 5, and big portion with your stomach can’t hold. We requested to have the rice be made for Japanese rice ball and we had it after night onsen. There is a souvenir shop inside the building so you get everything you needed. Will come again and highly recommend.

  • Mauro



    10/10 for anyone wanting an authentic ryokan experience outside of the major cities. Helpful and nice staff. Room got cleaned every day. For any foreign tourist, this is a real and authentic japanese experience.

  • Kelvin Yuen

    Kelvin Yuen


    Fantastic service and food. The kaiseki breakfast and dinner is aamzing. The onsens are super. Private onsens available with booking. Very clean and traditional rooms. Slightly old but this provides the authentic japanese experience you are looking for.

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