Matsushima Tourism Association Oyster Shack en Matsushima

JapónMatsushima Tourism Association Oyster Shack



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Higashihama-12-1 松島字 Matsushima, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0213, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-353-3208
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.3718131, Longitude: 141.0701142

comentarios 5

  • C K Lau

    C K Lau


    Oysters were very fresh and succulent. All you can eat for a limited time. Oysters are steamed and customers have the pleasure to shuck themselves. Customers will have to pay extra for lemon and drinks. The seniors managing the shack often give priority to local Japanese ( even if foreigners made reservations weeks earlier). They even gossip about foreigners in front of their faces ( assuming that we do not understand Japanese). Very rude behavior surfacing from such a polite society.

  • Jessica Xin

    Jessica Xin


    We visited this oyster shack during three day holiday. Even though we didn't make a reservation in advance, even though we waited about 30 minutes, it all worth it when we sat by the table and began to have these very very fresh oysters. 40 minutes oyster buffet was a very enjoyable time. The oysters were very fresh and clean. Before oysters were served, the staff would check them. And these steamed oyster were also good for kids. My 7 yrd son loved them and ate a lot. The staff were all very friendly but can not speak English. Next time if we have chance to come here again, this oyster shack definitely is the must-visit place!

  • Pun O

    Pun O


    Best place for all you can eat Sendai oyster. Very fresh oysters and price is reasonable. Too bad we didn't get to try oyster rice bowl and soup. Maybe next time

  • Paul Kinlan

    Paul Kinlan


    This place was incredible. It has the freshest oysters I've ever had. You pay before you eat, and then you have 40 minutes to eat as many oysters as you can :) the experience was amazing, they teach you to open the oysters and then away you go... If you are coming excited a wait of about 30 minutes of you have not already reserved a space, but it was well with the wait - you can only get menu B if you arrive in the day. Top tip. Get some Lemon. Staff were super friendly, but didn't speak English

  • Serene Yu Okawa

    Serene Yu Okawa


    A friendly, local established Oyster shack where you can eat freshly grilled oysters. Oysters are very fresh and delicious. Opening oysters by yourself is fun too :) If you don't have a reservation, you can only order B course, which is all you can eat for 40 min - 2200 JPY. We didn't book but we were able to order A course that is 50 minutes of all your can eat plus rice and soup - 3300 JPY. I'd go with B next time, 40 min is enough and you'd be full just with oysters. Booking recommended, cash only.

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