Wa DINING Hinata en Shiogama

JapónWa DINING Hinata



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Japan, 〒985-0002 Miyagi, Shiogama, Kaigandōri, 4−1 プチパレビル 1階 プチパレ
contactos teléfono: +81 22-363-3060
sitio web: www.wa-hinata.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.3171578, Longitude: 141.0216009

comentarios 5

  • 鈴木晶晴



    I sometimes use it at meetings. The owner of this restaurant is a former sushi restaurant that only those in the know know. The nigiri is exquisite. The sashimi is also delicious, and the grilled fish is also exquisite. I ate everything except the bones. It's always nearly full, so you can tell it's popular. Next time, I thought I'd like to come here privately for some sushi, or just for a meal in the evening.

  • Kゆっこ



    Lunch for one person on Saturday. When I was about to go to the tuna direct sales store, I found that the izakaya next door also had seafood bowls! I went in. I was very satisfied with the seafood bowl with soup for 1100 yen including tax! Shari is also delicious! There were about 3 customers in the store, including me, probably because it was Saturday. I'll bother you again!

  • Lonely Rider

    Lonely Rider


    This is a Japanese restaurant located right near JR Hon-Shiogama Station. Limited to 30 meals on Saturday lunchtime. I ordered "Shanghai Sendon ¥2200". In addition to the standard toppings, there were sea urchin, giant shrimp, and conger eel. It also came with soup, and I enjoyed the delicious seafood bowl. By the way··· The price is quite reasonable compared to famous sushi restaurants nearby. The regular seafood bowl is especially cheap at ¥1,100, and the whimsical chirashi is ¥1000.

  • yoshi c

    yoshi c


    A Japanese food (sushi) restaurant near Hon-Shiogama Station. Locals lined up around the empty station even before the store opened. Everyone is looking forward to the seafood bowl, which is only available for lunch. There is a special seafood bowl (2,200 yen) and a seafood bowl (1,100 yen). The photo is of seafood bowl. The tuna fillet is thick and delicious. The other ingredients are also said to be from port soba, so you can tell how fresh they are. 1100 yen is high performance. It is said that there will only be 30 servings, but please try it. The price and quality of seafood bowls in the area are unbeatable. A level that I can recommend to others! I want to try other dishes, but I don't have time this time.

  • Hi de

    Hi de


    it's delicious. The convenience of being near the station wasn't the selling point, but the taste and service were good. The appetizer came out in a bowl, but it was probably 1,100 yen, and it was kind of like a drinking set. This small bowl was delicious, and it wasn't an appetizer that was meant to force you to make money, but a competent appetizer that you could just eat and take it easy. I regret not being able to take pictures of the food, but the tekkamaki is enough for 3 rolls, so I was satisfied with the volume. I tried the recommended course and was satisfied with the price.

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