鐘崎総本店 笹かま館 en Sendai

Japón鐘崎総本店 笹かま館



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Japan, 〒984-0001 Miyagi, Sendai, Wakabayashi Ward, Tsurushiromachi, 6−65 笹かま館
contactos teléfono: +81 22-238-7170
sitio web: kanezaki.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.257202, Longitude: 140.9555727

comentarios 5

  • Hiroyuki



    [Kanezaki Sohonten Sasakamakan] Facilities designed to be enjoyed by all who visit It was created to convey the ``thoughts'' and ``commitments'' of Kanezaki, which has a corporate philosophy of ``deliciousness and fun'' and continues to focus on Sasa Kamaboko, which originated in Sendai. You can fully enjoy the food and culture of Sendai and Miyagi, with a focus on kamaboko, while enjoying ``tastes that can only be found here'', ``experiences that can only be found here'', and ``encounters that can only be found here''. You can try your hand at making kamaboko and take a factory tour. There is also a space where you can enjoy Seiji Fujishiro's shadow puppets. Recommended level: ★★☆☆☆ 2019.11.01

  • K,ou.



    I stopped by during my Golden Week trip to Tohoku. Since I came in the morning, I had Sasakamayaki for breakfast! It was fresh, so it had a great aroma, and the texture was firm on the outside and chewy on the inside! The bamboo shoots go well with green tea! Thank you for the meal. The inside of the hotel was very nice and clean. There is a wide variety of souvenirs and I am very satisfied. I will stop by again when I come to Tohoku.

  • nanako (nanako)

    nanako (nanako)


    Kanezaki's kamaboko is delicious compared to other countries in Japan. Recommended as a souvenir. This Sasakama building also has a souvenir shop, a cafe, and a handicraft experience corner. A reasonable lunch was also provided. Sasa kamaboko and fish cakes are available in boxes for gift giving, as well as individual items that can be purchased individually. At the cafe corner, there were donuts filled with minced white fish, and they were moist, chewy, and delicious. I recommend donuts. There is also a free parking space, so you can use it just for lunch. This is the perfect restaurant for sightseeing in Sendai on a rainy day.

  • 佐藤佐藤



    Sasakamakatsudon costs about 780 yen. The katsudon is delicious ✨ It's a kamaboko, so it's light, but the meat is thick, so it's filling! The fried umami was also delicious. In addition to the restaurant, there is also a product sales office, factory tour, and hands-on experience. The shadow picture theater attached to Sasakamakan (I visited in August 2022, so it might be a special exhibition) is quite good! It was really worth seeing✨ Moreover, it may not be well known, but I was able to enjoy it almost exclusively on weekdays 😊 Furthermore, there is also a Sendai Tanabata Museum, which is also amazing! ! And it's all free! I think this place will get crowded quickly once tourists start finding out about it.

  • Clio “Yumeki” Marotta

    Clio “Yumeki” Marotta


    I went to visit the Tanabata museum made by this company. All their Tanabata decorations are gorgeous and it's a pleasure to see it from the bottom to the top. They actually won a lot of gold prize every year so it's a great thing that they made a museum about it. It is small but if you like Tanabata decoration it worth it.

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