カフェレストラン SEASAW (シーソー) en Shichigahama

Japónカフェレストラン SEASAW (シーソー)



🕗 horarios

Nagasuna-20-8 Shōbutahama, Shichigahama, Miyagi District, Miyagi 985-0811, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-355-9119
sitio web: www.seasaw7beach.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2902339, Longitude: 141.0650037

comentarios 5

  • Heather Cook

    Heather Cook


    I am in LOVE with the hojicha affogato! Plus pouring it yourself is fun. And the rhubarb sauce roast beef with rice was so good I had to come back and order it again.

  • マッキー



    The crab pasta definitely is the best food there, but I took a flight from Nagoya to Sendai just to eat their famous pasta and it was already sold out (it was lunch time 12:00) I had to leave without eat anything.

  • Andy B

    Andy B


    Nice seaside cafe with very comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. The woman who served us was fluent in English and also gave us some local recommendations on where to go. Highly recommend visiting here.

  • Stephen Croft

    Stephen Croft


    Fantastic experience. The food is top notch, the staff is friendly and professional. The atmosphere is trendy and comfortable (including some relaxing acoustic jazz music). We ordered a pasta and a seasoned shrimp salad along with a side of bagettes and creme brulee french toast for dessert. All were delicious!

  • Fernando Pereira

    Fernando Pereira


    The food is good, the place is cozy and the staff are friendly. Highly recommend.

Cafetería más cercano

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