Kurumaya Ramen en Sendai

JapónKurumaya Ramen



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-5-33 Haranomachi, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0841, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-256-3777
sitio web: www.kurumayaramen.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2663874, Longitude: 140.9084463

comentarios 5

  • 海人



    [After all, if you want miso, then Kurumayasho 💖] Kurumaya Ramen started as a ramen shop in a converted sightseeing bus on the national highway in Adachi Ward, Tokyo in 1972💕. We recommend the miso butter ramen which is extremely delicious. Kurumaya Ramen is so particular about its miso that it is even called "miso"! ️. Our special miso is a secret ㊙️ rice miso that was born in the unexplored region of Chitose, Hokkaido, with its clear, cold water and clear air during the harsh winter months. The noodles are made with 100% domestic flour carefully selected by Nisshin Seifun, and the special medium-thick chijire noodles are the best noodles with a super chewy and chewy feel similar to rice cakes💕. The soup is an exquisite soup that is made with a large amount of pork bones, chicken bones, kelp, and simple ingredients that are cooked all day long until the gelatin and other umami ingredients melt out. The miso of life, the chewy noodles, and the painstaking soup are melted with creamy, high-quality butter from Hokkaido, and then the special chili oil is poured over it, and the special miso butter ramen is completed💕. The crunchy bean sprouts are a great addition to the soup and noodles! ️. If you like, you can add the free garlic to make it even more delicious💪. Also, the cheap dumplings are very delicious as they have a great punch of garlic and ginger. Everyone please come and enjoy the ultimate miso butter ramen made with our secret rice miso that is second to none. There is a lot of free parking 🅿️. ★Please be careful of the overwhelming deliciousness👮🚨!! ️.

  • D K

    D K


    Old-fashioned miso ramen It's a taste that makes you want to eat it! I didn't know about the half rice service and ordered a hot egg menma bowl, but they gave me more rice for half the rice!

  • mode ala

    mode ala


    I ordered soy sauce ramen for the first time in a while. The photo looked like miso, but the real thing also had a miso-like appearance, which was strange. I thought it used to be the color of soy sauce, but I tried it anyway, but the soup stock wasn't taken and it was miso with hot water? I feel like I've broken it. It had a disappointing taste.

  • glass sea (sea_glass)

    glass sea (sea_glass)


    Miso butter corn is famous, but for those who like spicy ramen, we recommend the spicy miso ramen! First of all, the miso soup itself is delicious, but the spicy miso is also very delicious.It's not super spicy, but rather sweet and spicy, and you'll want to drink up the soup! My recommendation is 3 pieces of char siu and menma topping! Half rice is included as a service! The gyoza is chewy rather than crunchy and has a lot of toppings!

  • Ben Tanaka

    Ben Tanaka


    Decent ramen, pleasant space, and best of all NO SMOKING :)

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