Breeze Bay Seaside Resort Matsushima en Matsushima

JapónBreeze Bay Seaside Resort Matsushima


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Inuta-1-10 Matsushima, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0213, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-3198-9298
sitio web:
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Latitude: 38.3688584, Longitude: 141.0561125

comentarios 5

  • Léo



    The rooms are definitely dated, mine also had a really strange smell that really didn't help, not sure if it came from humidity or the air conditioning unit. The location is fine, make sure to ask the hotel to arrange a taxi pickup for you from the nearby train station because accessing the hotel by foot is inconvenient to say the least. The baths are also fairly dated, the individual baths that can be booked are a nice touch. The included dinner and breakfast are decent, not that there would be anything to compare them to in the neighborhood because the hotel seems pretty isolated. Also note that there are lots of families with kids, if you're looking for a peaceful and quiet retreat, this might not be it.

  • Kevin E.

    Kevin E.


    Overall a good hotel for a short stay in Matsushima. The staff was welcoming and accomodating, and the breakfast is good. The public bath is clean and warm enough, the private baths are a tad too hot for my taste. There are free welcome drinks and free pudding and oden available in the lobby. Unfortunately, the other guests were not very considerate of others.

  • Marco Palmieri

    Marco Palmieri


    Great quality and service. Staff is very kind. Food is good (both breakfast and dinner). Onsen is very nice atmosphere.

  • W.W. H.

    W.W. H.


    Dinner is great (small hot pot came with crab legs and oyster, BBQ beef tongue, and buffet). However the Japanese -style room is not comfortable since the air-condition system is terrible. Can you imagine cigarette smoke smell is all around in a non-smoking room? The smell was ok when we just got into the room, but when we were sleeping the room was filled with the crazy smell, so we believe it's from air condition system. Not recommend at all for people who hate the smell. Other than this, the hotel is great - food, onsen, and the room....was very clean.

  • Kwok HC

    Kwok HC


    Private Hot Spring is good. Dinner buffet very nice. Services excellent.

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