Koru Takanawa Hostel, Cafe&Bar i Minato-ku

JapanKoru Takanawa Hostel, Cafe&Bar


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Japan, 〒1080074 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Takanawa, 2 Chome−6−7
kontakter telefon: +81 80-4296-5980
internet side: koru-takanawa-hostel-cafebar.business.site
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Latitude: 35.6358536, Longitude: 139.7341431

kommentar 5

  • Jose Luis Reyes

    Jose Luis Reyes


    Me and my family arrived in Tokyo way too early before check in but despite that Yuki answered our call and helped us set up our stuff to be kept safe while me and my family explored Tokyo then checked in during the proper time. Yuki is a great host and owner. Runs a beautiful bar as well. Would definitely recommend staying here and personally will probably stay here myself in future visits. Great hostel! Even just talking to Yuki is proof enough of the quality of the place. Cheers!

  • Ian H

    Ian H


    Great hostel!! It’s arranged a bit like a house, and situated in a cosy, quiet back street next to a school. I stayed in the 6 bed mixed dorm which is really clean and has plenty of space for luggage, as well as lockers (bring your own lock though). The room has air conditioning and the bunks are spacious with electrical plugs, a light and a curtain for privacy. Beds are comfy. The hostel owner, Yuki, is a fantastic host. Super helpful, speaks English and is extremely friendly. His bar is a cosy little social hotspot for guests and locals alike. There’s a great selection of Japanese and European beers, and every evening they serve Japanese stew at a good value for money, but there are other meals available on the menu too. The hostel is only 5-10 min walk from Shinagawa station (one of the major Tokyo stations where you can get the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen [to Kyoto and Osaka] as well as the Narita express [to Narita airport]).

  • en



    The place is is clean and homey. I would definitely recommend this Hostel. The bar downstairs is a bonus ☺ Thank you so much! またよろしく😉👍🎶

  • en

    Fritz Gerald Razon


    This was a great hostel to stay at during my first night in Japan. The hosts are incredibly oriented to hospitality and promptly answer any inquiry. The cafe downstairs had a wonderful atmosphere for drinking or grabbing a meal. The room itself offers the works for a night or two’s rest. About 15 minutes from Shinagawa Station. Got more from the hostel than I anticipated!

  • 杉田寿憲



    The Koru makes me realize Laphroaig takes me to heaven. After spending cozy dinner time, you can watch beautiful stars and the moon oh the rooftop. The Koru is not only the best place as a cafe & bar, but also a hostel ever!

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