Shinagawa Prince Hotel Annex Tower i Minato-ku

JapanShinagawa Prince Hotel Annex Tower


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4 Chome-10-30 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 108-8611, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3440-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6282364, Longitude: 139.7359461

kommentar 5

  • Tom Laight

    Tom Laight


    The hotel is located very close to Shinagawa rail station so it is very convenient. There are lots of amenities in the building such as shops, an IMAX cinema and a bowling alley. The reception area is beautiful, the staff are friendly and helpful, and the rooms are well presented, with good views of the city provided by the sheer height of the tower. Highly recommended.

  • Toshimitsu Matsui

    Toshimitsu Matsui


    good location to have an event

  • Jacob C

    Jacob C


    Great rooms, great staff, great food

  • en

    Jonas Edenbrandt


    Overall nice place. It's huge and very busy. Rooms are standard. Close to circle line trains is a nice perk.

  • Jordan Phillips

    Jordan Phillips


    We had a company party start with bowling at the alleys on the lower floors, and then drinks in one of the ballrooms. The space was modern, clean, and ample for about 200 attendees without any trouble.

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