Shinagawa Tobu Hotel i Minato City

JapanShinagawa Tobu Hotel


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4-chōme-7-6 Takanawa, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3447-0111
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Latitude: 35.6292229, Longitude: 139.7330475

kommentar 5

  • Robert Cota

    Robert Cota


    Stayed near shinagawa station twice now. It's a great strategic location to head to different popular destinations within Tokyo. The hotel was only a short walk on a slight uphill from the station. There's a convenience store nearby, plus a small shopping/restaurant plaza at the corner and pachinko for those interested. They had some cute exclusive chocolate treats available in the lobby that were great for souvenirs! They also have a small restaurant attached, bottom floor. *Not to mention a "Kura" sushi spot a short walk away.* The rooms were average size for the japanese standard hotels but were comfortable for two still. Just a heads up, there is construction across the street and in the area. If you're like us Up Early & Stay Out Late, Then it shouldn't be of any concern; to be honest. Would definitely stay again at this hotel if available, it was great price per location & comfort level.

  • Barron Lau

    Barron Lau


    The location is decently close to Shinagawa station but a long uphill walk to get there, extremely difficult with large luggage’s. The rooms are small which is typical for Tokyo. But one thing I hated was the mattresses ugh, so uncomfortable. The some of the pillows are just pillowcases with some cotton inside. Really horrible. There’s a lot of construction going on in the area, it seems the whole area will redeveloped and be real nice in a years, however now not so much. There’s some restaurants and a food court attached to the Prince hotel which is close by. So we mainly goto the other hotel for conveniences which says a lot about what’s immediately around us here, nothing. The service is good though, polite and helpful, but really most of Japan is like that

  • Roy Kayser

    Roy Kayser


    Rooms are small as is typical in Japan. Location is great, 10 min walk from Shinagawa Station. Many, many restaurants nearby. It's mostly a uphill walk from Shinagawa Station so make a note of that if you have heavy luggage.

  • Sergio Bobillier

    Sergio Bobillier


    I have nothing to complain about this hotel. The room was nice, the staff is friendly and the hotel is very well located. It is just a few minutes by foot from Shinigawa Station, a big travel hub (from here you can reach any destination within Tokyo in less than an hour, and you can also take the west-bound Shinkansen lines to Kyoto, Hiroshima, Osaka or Nagoya). It also gives you very quick access to Haneda Airport. The breakfast was fairly good. It is always a fixed menu of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and mashed potatoes, to this base you can add some other items from the Buffet. I would recommend it. The staff was very welcoming and helpful. I had a small problem with my shower which was fixed promptly after reporting it. The only downside is the fact that some of the Staff members' English can be very lacking, even at the front desk....

  • Nick Gall

    Nick Gall


    Very hospitable. They provide night shirts and basic toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, etc, in each room. They were very gracious about our family of four storing our luggage after checkout and then individually retrieving items as each person departed for different flights.

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