FLEXSTAY INN Shirogane i Minato-ku

JapanFLEXSTAY INN Shirogane


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Japan, 〒108-0072 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Shirokane, 5 Chome−10−15
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3443-1711
internet side: www.mystays.com
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Latitude: 35.6446911, Longitude: 139.7244882

kommentar 5

  • Meenal Girdonia

    Meenal Girdonia


    Superb place. I stayed for 3 weeks. Very comfortable.

  • en

    hiroki ishiguro


    A bit small and old room, though service and location is great

  • en

    Nika Lukovic


    Not worth it. Location is not great - quite far from subway stations. There is no lift so we had to carry heavy luggage up a lot of stairs. Rooms are old but somewhat clean. Bathrooms are super tiny, and very old, and a little dirty. Its also very expensive for what you get. Would not stay again, would not recommend.

  • Nathan Gildart

    Nathan Gildart


    The staff are super friendly and the price is right.

  • Kartik Gupta

    Kartik Gupta


    Flexstay Inn is at a very convenient yet peaceful location. Really cozy rooms with good facilities. Lots of places to eat around as well as convenience stores such as 7Eleven, Family Mart, Mini Stop, Lawson's 100 are at a walking distance. The Family Mart also has a JP Post ATM, which comes in really hand when you have to take out some cash from your international card.

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