Shinagawa Tobu Hotel i Minato-ku

JapanShinagawa Tobu Hotel


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4丁目-7-6 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 108-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3447-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6292419, Longitude: 139.7329651

kommentar 5

  • 黃有執



    從品川站向上走,是上坡路,拖行李稍累 早餐簡單 房間比品川王子飯店大

  • ja




  • Bojan



    Rooms are clean and with enough space. Only the bathroom was pretty small but manageable. Nice hotel easy to reach from Shinagawa and Takanawadai stations.

  • Hiroyuki K

    Hiroyuki K


    ・朝食について 1年前に来た時は、主食パンのみでしたが今回はご飯がついて、久しぶりに楽しめました。 ・ホテルスタッフについて 笑顔で大変好感があります。 ・他の人がおっしゃるように立地条件は良好。文句なしです。近くにロイホ等があるため。 品川利用する際はコチラに再度宿泊します。

  • Melanie Little Miss Turtle

    Melanie Little Miss Turtle


    We stayed at the Tobu Hotel near Shinagawa Station for one night in order to catch a bullet train the next morning. From the Takanawa North Exit the street leads uphill to the hotel (5 minutes by foot). The staff was friendly and spoke English. Our small double room (14 m2) was very clean and nicely arranged. We could fit in a wheelchair as well as one big luggage. The double bed (~140 cm) was one of the best beds I’ve slept in so far in Tokyo. It’s soft and comfortable with a nice selection of pillows. The bathroom was clean and the size was slightly bigger than in other rooms we’ve stayed at. The only negative point is the noise isolation. We were on the highest floor (8F) and heard noise from the street as well as from other guests in the hallway.

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