The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo, Autograph Collection i Minato-ku

JapanThe Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo, Autograph Collection



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Japan, 〒108-8612 JP-13Minato-ku, Takanawa, 3 Chome−13, 3-13-1, Takanawa, Minato-ku Tokyo
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5798-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6309727, Longitude: 139.7354282

kommentar 5

  • James Zhang

    James Zhang


    Staying here as Gold Elite member but staff can’t manage simple breakfast flow. Had to sign a waiting list with restaurant 2 feet away refusing to take guests. It feels like a cheap airport lounge like last night as well. Looking through the window and wasting our holiday time, there’s only trash and leftovers left. Even an APA hotel has better service. Never staying here again and a shame for an “Autograph” collection.

  • Dwayne Leditschke

    Dwayne Leditschke


    Lovely hotel. Friendly staff. Great location close to train station. Executive lounge access for Marriott Gold members is very handy

  • en

    Christopher Moy


    Beautiful hotel located close to shinigawa station. Staff is incredibly helpful and friendly. Executive lounge is well stocked and staffed. If you are staying over Sunday, I would definitely recommend the restaurant on the 3rd floor for breakfast.

  • Michael Lustfield

    Michael Lustfield


    This place was incredible. This felt more like a luxurious American hotel with Japanese extras. It was large and cozy. The executive lounge was incredible. Much of the staff spoke English very well. The relaxation long in the basement was the highlight of this stay.

  • Steven K

    Steven K


    Great boutique hotel. Walking distance to Shinagawa station. Staff and service was fantastic. Rooms are nice and big especially for Tokyo. Bathroom is big and nice. Great water pressure. Tub has jacuzzi jets. Toilet is in separate room. Has bidet. Has an exec lounge for premier members. Also has massage chairs, gym, and sauna. All very nice. I love this hotel. Would def stay again.

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