Jozankei View Hotel w Sapporo

JaponiaJozankei View Hotel



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Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
2-chōme-111 Jōzankeionsenhigashi, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-2302, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-598-3339
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.9693589, Longitude: 141.167419

komentarze 5

  • Aja Brandman

    Aja Brandman


    Large hotel mainly fit for tourists and visitors with its buffet style meals. The hotel rooms are nice; stayed in room with both beds and tatami, which was good for a group of 5. The buffet style of food isn’t my favorite, but I enjoyed the self serve ice cream machine. Only went to the onsen up top with the outdoor bath as well; it can fill up quite quickly especially after dinner hours.

  • Caleb Gelsthorpe

    Caleb Gelsthorpe


    Jozankei view is a big hotel not too far out from Sapporo, but far enough to enjoy the quietness and nature. Good place for conferences. The buffet is great! There are onsens (hot springs) and a water park area, too. We always go by shuttle bus from chitose Airport.

  • Choy Chun Cheak

    Choy Chun Cheak


    Overall, my stay at the hotel was decent. The room had a slight cigarette smell, which was a bit off-putting. However, considering the reasonable price, it was tolerable. The lobby staff were friendly and helpful, which made up for the room issue. The food was average, but the scenery view was lovely.

  • Sam



    Visited on Feb 2024. Buffet breakfast is excellently equipped with huge, fresh selection, including salad, pasta, fries, kaisendon, bread, freshly-made sunny side ups, soups etc. Has free, sheltered parking. The lobby itself is huge and grand, with a shop at the side selling souvenirs, snacks, and some clothes, but parts of the rest of the hotel looks dated (e.g. the carpet floor has old-looking stains, and the path from lifts to the onsen is not well-lit at night). 30 minutes drive from Sapporo Kokusai Ski.

  • Ivan Teo

    Ivan Teo


    Stayed the main building and rooms and furniture were quite beaten. Nevertheless the room is also some of the largest. Onsen is available in main and new building. The Onsen in new building consist of open view indoor and an open air. The Onsen in the basement of main building is also large but quite worn out. However the open area is nice with limited outside view. Parking is free, Jozankei area has very little eatery and majority of shops closes at about 3:30 pm.

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