Grand Mercure Sapporo Odori Park w 札幌市

JaponiaGrand Mercure Sapporo Odori Park


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Kita1jo, 1 Nishi11chome, 11丁目 北1条西 中央区 札幌市 北海道 060-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6627-4630
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0609181, Longitude: 141.3397904

komentarze 5

  • Tan Michael

    Tan Michael


    Booked this hotel as it was updated that it is newly renovated. But when we got the room, which is on lower floor, the rooms doesn’t seem to be renovated before. The space is reasonably good. Their lounge offered free wine and beverage, and some snacks. One of the disappointment was asking for make up bed. While we request that we don’t need to change bed linens, the housekeeping didn’t make our beds properly. Just use blanket can cover the beds. Items were also not topped up. Was told the hotel was renovated but when we stayed there, the rooms were not renovated. Although the space is sufficient for 3 pax, the facilities doesn’t looks new.

  • Sonny SG

    Sonny SG


    We were party of 5 in 4 rooms at Grand Mercure Odori Park.. really great place to stay. Breakfast were really excellent with many choices. Surprised the hotel provided 2 Complimentary Lounge Sessions with wide choice of drinks & light bites. Location a bit out of the center of actions but not too far out as well.

  • Albert Vilà

    Albert Vilà


    It's an amazing hotel that will need a revamp soon, the room was nice and spacious, as well as the bathroom but they're starting to look dated and there're things that you take for granted in a hotel from this category that you don't have here (talking about plugs and USB plugs for instance). Besides that, it's centric enough, just a short walk to the "city life" and its height gives amazing views no matter the room.

  • SB



    Hotel is nice, room pleasant but it would be nice to have things like paper tissues available and more than two tea bags. It's all a little basic. Breakfast was good but there is no English translation on the coffee machine so that made it a little complicated to use. Staff was very kind and helpful but check-out was very slow as there is a language issue. They also didn't know or understand how to let me use my Accor All miles to pay for the stay so I had to pay full amount. I'm sure it will all get sorted once the staff have a bit more experience.

  • Kelvin Hartho

    Kelvin Hartho


    Very nice hotel and good value for money. We spent 3 nights at this hotel and all staffs were very friendly and helpful. Location is right beside Odori Park, and couple minutes walk from the subway station. There is also tram stop just 5 minutes away. Plenty of convenience store nearby. Credit to senior manager Shiga san, who personally welcomed us on our arrival and walk us to the room personally. He is a very kind man. Platinum status was well recognised with room upgrade, lounge access, and free breakfast. The breakfast spread was amazing, they got everything from western to japanese option everyday. They serve amazing hokkaido melon and even champagne every morning!! Credits to all restaurant team for serving amazing foods and drinks.

najbliższy Kwatera

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