Dormy Inn PREMIUM Sapporo w Sapporo

JaponiaDormy Inn PREMIUM Sapporo


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-4-1 Minami 2 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0062, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-232-0011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.057061, Longitude: 141.34884

komentarze 5

  • Shih Ivan

    Shih Ivan


    Stay in the hotel many times. Room is very clean and breakfast is awesome. Location is definitely better than stay in Sapporo station.

  • Rob Resma

    Rob Resma


    Had an amazing stay here during our time in Sapporo. The room we got was pretty sizable (two twin beds + pull out). The 2nd floor has hot springs + cold tub for men and women as well as a massage chair in the lounge area. The location is pretty premium; it’s right on the Tanukikoji shopping arcade which is a long street of shops covered by a roof with plenty of shopping options nearby and very close to public transportation

  • Kevin Lin

    Kevin Lin


    + Great location + Complete onsen facility with a rest area outside and free manga(in Japanese of course) + Fast Wi-Fi + Free late night ramen + Fair price = Comfortable double room, a little bit cramped for 3 adult (2 single beds and 1 sofa bed) - NA

  • Pupper the Dog

    Pupper the Dog


    For a budget hotel it's nice, but the only thing "premium" in this case is the hotspring bath, and I guess also the price tag for breakfast. The rooms are still rather cramped, which isn't particularly surprising or problematic, but it feels a bit outdated and there are visible stains on the walls... Still, it's a very convenient location and decently priced.

  • Grant



    Only good thing is the location. They charge 5000 extra per person. Normally places that do this offer 2 meals and the food is good. This places offers noodles so they think they can justify surprising us with 200$ extra US for the one extra person. We have no choice. Rooms are dirty and marks on wall everywhere.

najbliższy Kwatera

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