Jozankei Tsuruga Resort Spa MORI no UTA w Sapporo

JaponiaJozankei Tsuruga Resort Spa MORI no UTA


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-192番地 Jōzankeionsenhigashi, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-2302, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-598-2671
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.9664228, Longitude: 141.1698298

komentarze 5

  • Tom Wong

    Tom Wong


    It is all about the food! This Onsen had a modern lobby with some fun features - indoor fire pit, audiophile listening room. What made it stand out was the amazing buffet dinner and breakfast. Ingredients were Kaiseki quality - vegetables tastes farm to table; seafood (crab, scallops, fish, raw shrimps) were fresher than many places in Tokyo. Beef, duck etc were savoury and the desserts were fancy.

  • Sarah Thmys

    Sarah Thmys


    My friend and I came for their day trip Onsen package. The package includes buffet lunch. The onsen was nice, especially the outdoor Onsen when it snows. The buffet was also very nice. Recommended.

  • theukbear



    There’s a free shuttle bus between Sapporo Subway Makomanai Station. The staffs are friendly. The restaurant is buffet style and the quality is ok though. Not the fine dining experience but you can always find something enjoy.

  • Hok Man

    Hok Man


    I paid a lot, so when I saw the room was a bit disappointed. But then we explored the hotel and frankly awesome. I went for the onsen and did not disappoint. Buffet amazing. worth it. Btw go 'rent' the pillows, I thought it would be expensive as they said rent... but it's free haha

  • pingping1238



    Thoroughly enjoyed our one night stay in this onsen resort - the location was very good, walkable to many of the attractions including Jozankei Onsen. There was even a public footbath right across the street! The hotel also provides shuttle bus transport from Sapporo city, which was very convenient. A staff brought us to our room, while briefing us about the hotel’s amenities and activities. Everyone wore yukatas and slippers around the hotel area, a new novelty to us. If we had known about this, we would not even had to pack anything for this overnight trip! The onsen was very clean and not crowded, making my first onsen experience a memorable one ( I was very anxious and nervous beforehand). We took the half-board package and enjoyed both the dinner and breakfast (you have to select the time for the meals). Room was spacious, although a bit old. There was even a massage chair in the room! The only complaint was the room felt very stuffy despite the November autumn weather - would be good if the windows could be opened for some cool air. Had to request for a standing fan. Overall, had a memorable stay here

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